- Regional Summit on Rwanda 卢旺达问题区域首脑会议
- Southern African leaders are trying to persuade Zimbabwean opposition leader ** to attend a regional summit on zimbabwean's political crisis. 南非几国领导人试图说服津巴布韦的反对党领导参加关于津巴布韦政治危机的地区性封会。
- World Summit on Physical Education Proceedings II. 世界体育教育峰会主报告论文2。
- He also hosts an EU-Russia Summit on Tuesday. 普京总统星期二还要主持欧盟同俄罗斯的高峰会。
- Also new to HBA is a summit on global regulation. 此外,新来的HBA首脑会议是在全球规管。
- It is formally known as the UN World Summit on Sustainable Development. 此项高峰会的正式名称为联合国世界永续发展开峰会。
- The SADC has a summit on March 30th, which Mr Ravalomanana may attend. 南共体在3月30日有一个首脑会议,拉瓦卢马纳纳可能会出席。
- The exchange of jibes reflected the lack of progress at a regional summit being held in Phuket, Thailand. 朝美间的相互漫骂表明,在泰国普吉举行的这场地区峰会在朝核问题上毫无寸进。
- This is not the first time Fiji's coup leader has snubbed a regional summit: last August he failed to attend a similar meeting in Niue, one of the microstate members of the Forum. 此次不是这位斐济政变领导人第一次怠慢太平洋岛国高峰论坛。去年8月他缺席纽埃岛的一次小成员国论坛。
- There are new international commitments - notably from the World Summit on Sustainable Development. 我们签署了新的国际公约,如可持续发展世界首脑会议的决议。
- This group was organized last year during the World Summit on Sustainable Development, in Johannesburg, South Africa. 这个组织是去年在南非约翰内斯堡举行的可持续发展世界峰会期间成立的。
- The World Summit on Sustainable Development (The Earth Summit) opened on August 26 in Johannesburg. 联合国可持续发展世界首脑会议(又称"地球峰会")8月26日在约翰内斯堡开幕。
- Alison des Forges was probably the greatest foreign expert on Rwanda until her death in a plane crash in February. 直到她死于2月份的一次飞机失事,AlisondesForges可能是卢旺达问题上最棒的外国专家。
- But he wanted to set an example at the start of the 2006 Global Summit on AIDS and the Church, at Saddleback. 但是,适逢2006年艾滋病与教会全球峰会在马鞍峰召开之际,华理克想起到表率作用。
- Last Tuesday, several hundred researchers and activists met in Bethesda, Maryland, for a Summit on H.I.V. 上个星期二,几百名研究人员和激进分子在马里兰的贝蒂召开了一个关于艾滋病疫苗研究和发展的首脑会议。
- Meeting on the margins of a regional summit in Russia, Pakistan's president, Asif Zardari, and India's prime minister, Manmohan Singh, held talks about renewing the two countries' formal talks. 俄罗斯举行的地区峰会间歇期间,巴基斯坦总统阿西夫.;阿里
- Last Tuesday, several hundred researchers and activists met in Bethesda, Maryland, for a Summit on H. 上周二,数百名研究者和活动家在马里兰的聚会,召开H.
- I wish the Ministerial Summit on International Cooperation in Software and Information Service in the Asia Pacific Region and Entrepreneurs High Level Forum a complete success. 预祝亚太地区软件和信息服务国际合作部长峰会暨企业家高层论坛取得圆满成功!
- UNEP's Global Environment Outlook Report, to be issued at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in 2002, will highlight the state of regional and global water resources, as well as the responses to the threats to them. 将在2002 年可持续发展首脑会议推出的环境规划署《全球环境展望报告》将重点阐述区域和 全球水资源状况及如何应对水资源面临的威胁。
- UNEP's Global Environment Outlook Report,to be issued at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in 2002,will highlight the state of regional and global water resources,as well as the responses to the threats to them. 将在2002 年可持续发展首脑会议推出的环境规划署《全球环境展望报告》将重点阐述区域和全球水资源状况及如何应对水资源面临的威胁。