- Can run morning shift and middle shift. 能上早中班。
- Study of the US and middle east peace process II. 美国与中东和平进程研究2。
- Tapholes of small and middle size BFs. 中小型高炉出铁口。
- He used to be a framer and middle school teacher. 当过农民,任过中学教师。
- The term "peasantry" refers mainly to the poor and middle peasants. 农民这个名称所包括的内容,主要地是指贫农和中农。
- We must endeavor to take the correct and middle path. 我们必须努力去选择正确的中道。
- He lost the silk-stocking and middle class precincts. 他失掉了城市富豪和中产阶级的选票。
- In the news: What Now for Israeli Politics, and Middle East Peace? 新闻:以色列政局及中东和平前途未卜?
- Make and report a long and middle term Business plan. 制定并汇报公司中长期业务计划。
- Rancho Capistrano offers a preschool, elementary and middle school. 1993年,他当选为世界杰成就者。
- In his place I appoint Admiral Doenitz as President of the Reich and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces. 我任命邓尼茨海军元帅代替他出任帝国总统和武装部队最高统帅。
- There are three main beaches: East, West and Middle in Beidaihe. 北戴河有三个主要的海滩,东滩、西滩和中滩。
- And Wilhelm Reich and his therapy can be helpful; you can use Wilhelm Reich beautifully on the path of Chuang Tzu. 威廉?赖茜与他的疗法是很有帮助的;在你领悟庄子的路途中,威廉?赖茜将会给你美丽的帮助。
- Rubella outbreak mainly occurred in primary and middle schools. 在风疹流行年,农村报告的病例与城市相近。
- In the meantime, the Das Reich and the 17th SS Panzergrenadier Divisions began moving northwards from southwest France. 与此同时,“帝国”师和党卫队第17装甲掷弹兵师从法国西南向北运动。
- The Leibstandarte, Das Reich and 17th SS Divisions east of Mortain had been the first to fall back. 在莫尔当以东的“警卫旗队”师,“帝国”师和党卫队第17师首先开始后撤。
- The Upper Triassic ,Lower and Middle Jurassic loos... 找矿目的层是上三叠统和下、中侏罗统的疏松砂岩层。
- They belong to the Third Reich and to the Fuehrer, and if these two cease to exist there can be no further place for them. 他们是属于第三帝国和元首的,如果第三帝国和元首不存在了,他们也就没有别的地方容身了。
- And Nomura paid a pittance for the European, Asian and Middle Eastern operations of Lehman Brothers after it went bust. 野村在雷曼兄弟宣布破产后也以较少的金额购入了其在欧洲、亚洲和中东地区的部分业务。
- Das Reich and 10th Panzer were now assaulted by a series of Soviet counterattacks aimed at keeping open a corridor to their comrades in Smolensk. “帝国”师和第10装甲师现在遭到了苏军的一系列猛烈的反击,他们试图解救被围在斯摩棱斯克的同志。