- Reichert cartilages 赖歇特软骨, 舌弓软骨
- Alle vier Wochen sieht Reichert seine Familie. 莱夏特每四星期与家人团聚一次。
- A muscle connected to either of these cartilages. 杓状软骨组织肌肉与这些软骨组织的任意一个相连的肌肉
- Reichert feiert ein kleines Fest in der Pekinger Paulaner Brauerei. 维特根在北京普拉那啤酒坊办了个小小的庆祝活动。
- The tracheal cartilages thickened and membranous wall was normal. 软骨部管壁增厚,膜壁无增厚。
- Reichert cartilage 赖歇特软骨, 舌弓软骨
- Any of several small mucous glands located in front of these cartilages. 杓状软骨组织粘膜位于这些软骨组织前面的一种小的腺粘膜
- Of or relating to these cartilages or an associated muscle or gland. 杓状软骨肌肉或液腺的这些软骨组织或有关肌肉或液腺的与这些软骨组织或有关肌肉或液腺相关的
- King D.The healing of the semilunar cartilages J Bone Joint Surg 1936,18:333. 高继宗等.;半月板无血运区陈旧性裂伤愈合的实验研究
- Kurz vor dem chinesischen Neujahr im Februar bekommt Reichert die Anklageschrift des Zolls. 二月份临近中国春节的时候莱夏特收到了海关的起诉书。
- Reichert, Pharm.D., pharmacy coordinator for surgery at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center. Reichert,药学博士,说:“我们进行这项研究,部分是因为我们认为肺炎患者比过去明显增加了。”
- Either of two small pitcher-shaped cartilages at the back of the larynx to which the vocal cords are attached. 杓状软骨位于喉背部的两块小的瓶状软骨的任何一块,声带与其相连
- Am 16.November bekommt Reichert Antwort auf seine Fragen: Erics Freilassung auf Kaution wird abgelehnt. 十一月十六日莱夏特得到了答案:埃里克的保释被拒绝了。
- Reichert M. Reuseof single-use devices: a program model. Nurs Clin North Am 1993; 28:697-709. 林明滢、王复德、郭英调:重复使用抛弃式医疗物品之探讨。感控杂志1996;6:202-6。
- Hamburg SV chairman Christian Reichert said the cemetery would be built opposite the stadium and have room for more than 150 graves. 汉堡体育会的主席奇俊·锐彻说,公墓将建在体育馆的对面,内设超过150个坟墓。
- When cartilages is gone in the knee, bones rubbing together may restrict movement and cause severe pain. 如何译?当软骨流失时,膝盖骨转动时会受限而且会引起剧烈的疼痛。对吗?
- Methods: A modified butterfly incision for the approach to rhinoplasty was adopted and deformed alar cartilages were repaired. 方法:采用改良的鼻根部蝶形切口的入路,修复畸形鼻翼软骨并行羟基磷灰石隆鼻术。
- A sheet or band of tough, fibrous tissue connecting bones or cartilages at a joint or supporting an organ. 韧带一种带状或片状的坚韧的含纤维组织,主要作用是关节处连接骨骼或软骨,或支持、固定某一器官
- The tibiae with allografts of cultured cartilages had no evident deformities after 16 weeks of operation. 16周 时移植侧胫骨仍无明显畸形,组织学检查显示生长板已近闭合。
- Result:The reconstructed model consisted of tibia,femur as well as soft tissue such as menisci and cartilages. 此外,该模型可以被导入有限元分析平台并用于股胫接触面的受力分析。