- Reserve Air Group 后备役航空大队
- Reserve Carrier Antisubmarine Warfare Air Group 后备役反潜航母舰载机大队
- Reserve Antisubmarine Warfare Carrier Air Group 后备役反潜舰载机大队
- This system sold by Red Valve has sufficient storage capacity in the reserve air tank to close a Red Valve Pinch Valve in the event of air or electrical failure. 这个由美国红阀公司销售的系统在储气罐内高效储存气体,使得美国红阀夹管阀在气源或电源出现问题时能够关闭阀门。
- Reserve Anti-Submarine Warfare Carrier Air Group 后备役反潜舰载机大队
- You can get to the Dive Bombers by selecting the Next Group Button at the bottom of the Air Group Information Window. 注意:你可以通过选择航空军团信息底部的下一个团得到俯冲轰炸机。
- The air group led by General Chennault swept away all obstacles in the battles and was praised as "Flying-Tiger Group". 陈纳德将军指挥机队英雄歼敌,所向披靡,被人们誉为“飞虎队”。
- Began to use system of farming air group to use the computative number of sampling investigation method 1986. 1986年开始使用农调队系统采用抽样调查方法的推算数。
- After 7 days of exposure, stronger immunostaining for eNOS in the airway epithelium of the hyperoxia group than of the air group was seen. 与空气组比较 ;7d时高氧组气道上皮细胞eNOS表达增加 (P <0 .;0 5 )。
- Sources said that the European Air Group, in charge of insider stock trading case against the two judges Speer was questioned. 消息说,负责欧航集团股票内幕交易案的两位法官对施佩尔进行了讯问。
- And Skull Team, now augmented to near-squadron size with Beta and Logan VTs, was now the main component of its assigned air group. 骷髅中队---现在他们补充了近一个中队的贝塔战斗机和摇石战斗机,成了这支特遣航空队的骨干。
- Civil Reserve Air Fleet Summary Report 民用后备航空队综合报告
- civilian reserve air fleet program 民用后备航空队
- Reserve Air Maintenance Training 后备役空军维修训练
- Facing the Japanese fighter's wanton bombing, Claire Lee Chennault( middle), an American ex-serviceman, resolutely organized the14 th Air Group in China to destroy the Japanese fighters. 抗战中,面对日机对中国人民的狂轰滥炸,美国退役军人陈纳德()然在华组织第十四航空队歼击日机。
- The air in the garden was warm and fragrant. 花园里的空气一片温馨。
- The archers sent their shafts through the air. 弓箭手向空中射出利箭。
- "I am aware that the Nigerian Air Force are interested in those aircraft and that talks between officials of both countries are going on," Air Group Captain Ibrahim Kure, told AFP in a telephone interview. “据我了解尼日利亚空军对这些飞机有兴趣,两国官员之间的会谈正在进行”在一次电话采访中空军上校易卜拉欣库尔告诉AFP新闻社。
- The factory has built up reserve fund. 这个工厂已积累了后备基金。
- Facing the Japanese fighter's wanton bombing, Claire Lee Chennault(middle), an American ex-serviceman,resolutely organized the 14th Air Group in China to destroy the Japanese fighters. 抗战中,面对日机对中国人民的狂轰滥炸,美国退役军人陈纳德(中)毅然在华组织第十四航空队歼击日机。