- The retrovirus vector containing LMP2A gene was constructed. The SP2/0 cells expressing LMP2A were established. 构建出含EB病毒LMP2A基因的逆转录质粒,获得表达EB病毒LMP2A的SP2/0-LMP2A细胞,该细胞在BALB/c小鼠产生肿块。
- Construction of the recombinent retroviral vector rRV-hIL-4 and expression of rheumatoid arthritis in vitro. 携带hIL-4逆转录病毒重组体的构建及在类风湿关节炎中体外表达的研究
- After A549 was infected by recombinant retroviral vector expressing antisense ANG,ANG protein level decreased greatly. 构建出含反义血管生成素的逆转录病毒载体 ,感染A5 4 9细胞后 ,能有效抑制A5 4 9细胞血管生成素蛋白的表达。
- Here, we review the advance in the research of retroviral vector in the hemophilia A gene therapy. 本文对逆转录病毒在血友病A基因治疗中的研究进展作一综述。
- Objective To evaluate the bystander effect in the retrovirus vector the herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase gene Ganciclovir system (RV HSV tk GCV). 目的 研究反转录病毒载体 (RV) -单纯疱疹病毒胸苷激酶基因 (HSV tK) -环丙氧苷 (GCV)系统中的旁观者效应。
- The 3FLAG-Id3 fusion gene was amplified from p3FLAG-Id3-CMV-10 vector and subcloned into retroviral vector pMX-CITE/IRES-EGFP. 以p3FLAG-Id3-CMV-10为模板,用PCR扩增3FLAG-Id3融合基因,将其亚克隆至逆转录病毒载体pMX-C ITE/IRES-EGFP中;
- The hTR gene was then reverse inverted into retrovirus vector pLNCX and constructed an antisense recombinant plasmid pLNCX-aTR. 将hTR基因插入逆转录病毒载体pLNCX中,构建了hTR基因的反义重组质粒pLNCX-aTR和正义重组质粒pLNCX-TR,测序结果表明符合预期要求,为下一步实验奠定了基础。
- This review focused on Haemophilia B s mechanism and the new development of retrovirus vector used in the gene therapy of Haemophilis B. 本文介绍了血友病B的发病机理以及以反转录病毒载体为工具进行血友病B基因治疗的研究进展。
- Recombinant retroviral vector expressing antisense ANG can efficiently inhibit ANG expression in A549 cell in vitro,providing the basis for further study in vivo. 利用反义血管生成素的逆转录病毒载体能够有效抑制培养细胞血管生成素的表达 ,为今后的体内应用奠定了基础。
- Intravenous in vivo transfection of retroviral vector bearing hRI sequence suppressed the growth of B16 melanoma inoculated in C57BL mice through antiangiogenesis mechanism. 介导hRI基因的逆转录病毒载体可以经静脉在小鼠体内转染通过抗血管生成实现对B16黑色素瘤的抑制。 hRI在肿瘤纤维包膜中的成纤维细胞的高表达提示肿瘤发生时快速生长的成纤维细胞可以成为重要靶点。
- Objective To construct recombinant retroviral vector expressing antisense ANG and transfect it into the human lung cancer cell line A549 to inhibit the expression of ANG. 目的 构建含反义人血管生成素的真核表达载体 ,并转染人肺癌细胞株A5 4 9,使之特异性地封闭A5 4 9细胞中血管生成素的表达 ,以达到抑制肿瘤生长的目的。
- Using a defective retroviral vector, the investigators transduced ex vivo CD34+ bone marrow cells from five boys with this SCID, resulting in no adverse effects. 调查者使用一种有缺陷的逆转录病毒载体,把5名重症联合免疫缺陷患儿的CD34+骨髓细胞取出体外并进行转换。
- Another study employed the AFP gene promoter for gene therapy against high AFP-secreting hepatoma cells using a retrovirus vector carrying a herpes simplex thymidine kinase gene . 另一研究通过携带单纯性疱疹病毒胸腺嘧啶激酶基因(的逆转录病毒载体,使用AFP基因启动子基因治疗高AFP分泌肝细胞瘤。
- Gene trap elements are alsoused in the construction of retrovirus vectors. 基因诱捕技术也被运用于反转录病毒载体的构建。
- Gene trap elements are also used in the construction of retrovirus vectors. 基因诱捕技术也被运用了反转录病毒载体的构建。
- Exogenous hIL 10 gene can be transferred into Rat CMC and be expressed stably. The retroviral vector PLX(hIL 10)SN shall lay foundation for researching hIL 10 mechanism and its application for curing heart diseases. 外源性hIL?10基因可以转移到大鼠心肌细胞并稳定表达,为今后研究hIL?10的作用机制及在治疗疾病中的应用打下了基础。
- AIM: It is to investigate that apoptosis of MDA-MB-435 cell, a human breast cancer cell line, was induced by recombinant retroviral vector mediated CED-4 gene of cadherin 5 N terminal and its apoptosis mechanism. 目的:研究粘附素5 N 端CED-4(cadherin extracellular domain-4)基因经重组逆转录病毒介导转染人乳腺癌细胞MDA-MB-435 及其诱导MDA-MB-435 细胞凋亡的分子调控机制。
- METHODS: The gene encoding human BTLA was amplified by RT-PCR from PHA activated T cells,and then the target gene fragment was inserted into retrovirus vector pEGZ-Term after being digested with EcoR I and BamH I. 方法:通过RT-PCR法从经PHA活化的人外周血T细胞中克隆出人BTLA编码区全长基因,经EcoR I和BamHI双酶切后插入逆转录病毒载体pEGZ-Term中构建成重组载体pEGZ-Term/BTLA。
- The retroviral vector (RCAS) has been widely used in avian system to study development and diseases, but is not suitable for mammals which do not produce the retrovirus receptor TVA. 近年来,鸟类逆转录病毒载体(RCAS)及其受体(TVA)系统在哺乳动物转基因模型中得到广泛应用。
- The gene segments mentioned above were cloned into the multiple cloning sites of retrovirus vector pLXSN to construct an attenuated superantigen expression vector pLXSN SEA (D227A) linker CD80tm modulated by cis acting element of AFP gene. 将上述片断插入逆转录病毒载体 pLXSN的多克隆位点 ,构建AFP基因顺式作用元件调控的肝癌特异性减毒超抗原表达载体 (pLXSNSEA(D2 2 7A) linker CD80tm)。