- But they refused to bow to force. 但他们拒不向武力低头。
- If other means fail we shall resort to force. 如果其他手段均告失败,我们将诉之武力。
- We may have to force a showdown. 我们也许得迫使对方摊牌。
- Resort to force is forbidden in this school. 该学校禁止动武。
- Exiles long to return to their native land. 流亡者们渴望回到自己的祖国。
- We ask for a return to democratic government. 我们要求恢复民主政体。
- To force the processing of your application to wait until the message loop has returned to the idle state. 强制应用程序处理等待,直到消息循环返回到空闲状态。
- He yearned to return to his native land. 他渴望回到故乡。
- I'll return to this point in my lecture in a little while. 过一会儿我还要回过来讲这个问题。
- Mission control ordered the spacecraft to return to earth. 指挥部命令宇宙飞船返回地球。
- It's not proper to force your idea upon others. 把自己的想法强加于人是不恰当的。
- I'll return to Paris tomorrow if I can firm up my air ticket. 如果能定好机票的话,我明天就会到巴黎来。
- He observed a man trying to force the lock. 他看到一个人正在设法撬锁。
- A two- week return to brighton, second class, please. 请订一线去布赖顿的两星期回程的二等回票。
- The resort to force is forbidden in this school. 该学校禁止动武。
- The situation has returned to normal in the city. 这座城市的局势已恢复正常。
- The ghost has been laid and will not return to haunt you again. 那鬼魂已经祛除,不会再回来缠著你了。
- The singer had to force her top notes. 那位歌手不得不勉强唱出最高音。
- After some time he returned to his old habit. 过了一些时候,他又故态复萌了。
- Somebody tried to force her purse away. 有人企图抢夺她的钱包。