- Reverse Labor Dispatching 逆向派遣
- Xinjiang Start Labor Dispatch Co., Ltd. 新疆斯达特劳务派遣有限公司。
- Employment services unit or the dispatch of units and workers labor disputes happen, labor dispatching units and labor units for the common person. 劳务派遣单位或者用工单位与劳动者发生劳动争议的,劳务派遣单位和用工单位为共同当事人。
- The execution of new labor retirement law and the pass of labor dispatching law in the future have positive influence on the labor dispatching business amount variation. 然后,以描述性统计分析、交叉分析、单因子变异数分析、相关分析、廻归分析等方法探讨各变数间的关系。
- So the Labor Dispatching is triune employment form that differs from traditional form in which the employee service for the employer under his instruction and supervision directly. 这种雇佣型态已不同于传统民法和劳动法界定的雇员在雇主的直接指示命令和监督下向雇主提供劳务的雇佣型态。并且,劳务派遣与承揽截然不同。
- CLIC is authorized by the Labor Dispatch and Import & Export Trade Operations and certified by the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China to provide skilled contract labor overseas. 特别是在派遣赴日研修生业务上,在日本享有很高的知名度,曾被评为“中国外派日本研修生十佳企业”的称号。
- The Juristic Study of Labor Dispatching 劳务派遣的法学思考
- In the western countries including Japan, the legal system of Labor Dispatchment is mature and has got individual and specific law about it. 在西方发达国家(包括日本),劳动力派遣法制发展比较成熟,在实践上已经取得单独立法的成果。
- The author tries to sort out the different types of the current labor dispatchment and looks into it from different points of view. 在概述中对我国现有劳动力派遣类型做了分析和梳理,试图从多层次、多方位的视觉看待劳动力派遣这一新问题。
- The thesis advocates that the societies look at the labor dispatchment dialectically and help get the balance between boosting employment and labor protection. 本文最后认为社会各界应当辨证对待劳动力派遣问题,使其在促进灵活就业和保护劳动者权益两大方面取得平衡。
- Our army suffered a slight reverse. 我们的部队受到轻微的挫败。
- The thesis, starting from the international and domestic background of the creation of Labor Dispatchment, makes an outline of the legal system of Labor Dispatchment first. 本文从劳动力派遣产生的国际和国内背景出发,首先对劳动力派遣法制做一概述。
- The 50p coin has a crowned lion on its reverse. 50便士硬币反面的图案是个戴皇冠的狮子。
- Labor Dispatch, Requiring Handling in a Rational Way 应当理性对待劳动派遣
- I twisted my head round to reverse the car. 我扭过头去把汽车向後倒。
- She did the job with great dispatch. 她以高效率完成了那件工作。
- The car has four forward gear and one reverse gear. 那汽车有四个前进挡和一个倒挡。
- It takes a lot of labor to build a railway. 修筑一条铁路要花费许多劳动力。
- The reverse of the coin was stamped with an eagle. 硬币的反面压印的是一只鹰。
- She then looked at the reverse side of the coin. 接着她看了看钱币的反面。