- Rhesus Research Facility 恒河猴研究机构
- Reduces copy time by 5% per level. Allows operation of 1 research facility (doesn't increase with additional ranks). 减少5%25复制蓝图的时间。允许你使用1间研究中心(不会随技能升级而升级)
- The Centre is operated as a resource for HKMA staff and as an educational and research facility for the public. 两部分,是供金管局职员使用的资讯中心,也是开放予公众人士的教育及资料研究设施。
- And Australia's leading animal research facility is helping global efforts to control the deadly bird flu. 澳洲开展的野生动物调查工作有助于进一步控制禽类致死病的扩散。
- He directs the Center for High Frequency Electronics and the Neptune Advanced Accelerator Research Facility at U.C.L.A. 他领导该校的高频率电子元件中心,以及海王星高等加速器研究设备。
- McKay brings Keller to Earth to visit an old rival physicist at his secret research facility. 麦凯带凯勒回地球拜访一位他的老竞争对手,他是一个物理学家,拥有神秘的研究设备。
- We do not know yet. But we do know it is somehow related to Kurohagane. Investigate the research facility and gather any information you can. 我们现在还不知道,但是这一切都跟黑钢有关,调查那个研究所收集任何你所能知道的。
- Abstract: Coler Storage Ring of Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou (HIRFL-CSR) belongs to China great scientific project in China. 摘要: 中国科学院近代物理研究所的国家"九五"重大科学工程项目,兰州重离子加速器冷却储存环(简称HIRFL-CSR)的准直安装,要安装的元件数量多、范围广、并且精度要求高。
- We are located in the Engineering Research Facility (ERF) on the NW corner of Taylor and Halsted Streets in downtown Chicago. 请问这个地方里在那个校区,有没有朋友在这个地方住的,小弟8月份可能去读MS,想找个地方租。
- The experiments were carried out on a combustion research facility (CRF) and chemical titration was used to measure the NH3 slip of extracted gas that goes out from the rear flue. 选择性非催化还原过程试验研究是在燃烧试验装置上进行的,在尾部烟道抽取烟气采用化学滴定法测量烟气中的NH3漏失含量。
- This school provides research facilities unequaled in the country. 这所学校能提供在国内无与伦比的研究设施。
- The school provides research facilities unequalled in the country. 这所学校能提供在国内无与伦比的研究设施。
- Although a relative young research facility, the RCCC engages in a wide range of activities, possesses diverse capabilities, and employs a professional and highly motivated staff. 重点在于推动实证的、量化的科学方法在学术界、政策研究,以及市场调研等方面的应用。
- The FRI tests were conducted in a research facility that permitted close monitoring, using standard test systems whose physical properties are well-known. 在星期五进行了测试,在一份研究设施,准许密切监测,使用标准的测试系统,其物理性能是众所周知的。
- Based on the specialities of the Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou(HIRFL),some suggestions on the TPS for tumor therapy at HIRFL finally are given. 在此基础上,针对兰州重离子加速器的特点提出一些关于治疗计划系统方面的构想。
- The Heavy Ion Research Facility of Lanzhou (HIRFL) consists of ion sources, injector Sector Focusing Cyclotron (SFC) and main accelerator Separated Sector Cyclotron (SSC). 兰州重离子研究装置(HIRFL)是由离子源,注入器(扇聚焦回旋加速器,SFC)和主加速器(分离扇回旋加速器,SSC)组成的。
- Based on the specialities of the Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou (HIRFL), some suggestions on the TPS for tumor therapy at HIRFL finally are given. 在此基础上,针对兰州重离子加速器的特点提出一些关于治疗计划系统方面的构想。
- The Beowulf strategy finds implementation outside research facilities. Beowulf策略在研究机构之外也有实现。
- The Centre for Comparative Psycholinguistics is a research facility built for the purpose of research in comparative psycholinguistics. Housed on the University of Alberta campus, the CCP includes b. 加拿大艾伯塔大学比较心理语言学中心。
- Pfizer establishes an Agricultural Division, devoted to offering cutting-edge solutions to animal health problems. The division opens its first dedicated research facility in Terre haute, Indiana. Pfizer公司设立了农业部,致力于为动物健康问题提供最先进的解决办法。该部在美国印地安纳州特雷霍特市建立了第一个专用研究设施。