- Rhodiola yunnanensis 云南红景天
- Gaultheria yunnanensis(Franch.)Rehd. 滇白珠
- Rhodiola kiriJowii Rgl. ex Maxim. 红景天
- The root rot pathogen of Rhodiola rosea L. 红景天根腐病
- Cystobranchus yunnanensis sp. nov.n. 云南囊蛭(新种)
- Crenulatin was isolated from Rhodiola crenulata. 大花红景天(Rhodiola crenulata)是景天科红景天属植物。
- Roscoea sinopurpurea Stapf;Roscoea yunnanensis Loes. 其它俗名 Roscoea purpurea Smith;
- Analysis of Volatile Oil Components in Rhodiola Sachliensis A.Bor. 高山红景天挥发油成分的分析
- A new species of Chinese medicinal plant -- Uncaria yunnanensis. 中国药用植物的一新种 -- 云南钩藤.
- Research of the hairy-root of Rhodiola sachalinensis A. Bor. 高山红景天毛状根培养的研究
- Objective: To optimize the extraction technology of Rhodiola Sacra. 目的:优化红景天的提取工艺。
- Rhodiola is the wild plant and the ideal health source. 红景天是一种食药兼用植物,具有多种保健功能。
- Objective: To analyze constituents of volatile oil from Gaultheria yunnanensis. 摘要目的:分析中药透骨香挥发油成分。
- Objective: To select high taxol content cell lines of Taxus yunnanensis . 目的:选择云南红豆杉高紫杉醇含量细胞系。
- Objective:To study the chemical constituents of Heterosmilax yunnanensis. 目的:对短柱肖菝葜的化学成分进行研究。
- Anatomical Research on Nourishing Organs of Rhodiola sachalinensis A.Bor. 高山红景天营养器官解剖学的研究。
- Ingredient: Fruitless Chinese Wolfberry Bud Tea, Wolfberry and Rhodiola. 配料:无果枸杞芽茶、枸杞、红景天。
- Results showed that the Rhodiola from Yunnan had the highest flavones content. 结果表明,云南产红景天中黄酮类物质含量较高。
- Objective To observe the effects of Rhodiola extracts on hepatocytes apoptosis. 摘要目的:观察红景天醇提取物对肝细胞凋亡测定的作用。
- Advances in studies on Gaultheria leucocarpa var. Yunnanensis and medicinal plants of Gaultheria L. 滇白珠及其同属药用植物研究进展。