- Rio Grande fever [医] 波状热, 布鲁氏[杆]菌病
- The Rio Grande marks the border between Mexico and the USA. 里奥格兰德河是墨西哥和美国之间的界河。
- The United States borders Mexico along parts of the Rio Grande. 美国沿着里奥格兰德河部分河段与墨西哥接壤。
- Do you still recall the frightful night we crossed the Rio Grande? 你还记得我们穿过边疆铁骑军,那个可怕的晚上吗?
- Part of the Amistad Reservoir on the Rio Grande in Texas. 部分特德水库里奥格兰德在得克萨斯州。
- A city of southern Texas near the Rio Grande west-northwest of Brownsville. 米申美国得克萨斯州南部城市,位于布朗斯维尔西北偏西,格兰德河附近。
- Gunmetal sheen of sundown bathes craggy terrain where the Rio Grande cuts a tortuous path. 崎岖的山体被蜿蜒的里约格兰地河切断,在夕阳下呈现出暗灰色光泽。
- A Rio Grande border fence raises a question: What about the butterflies (and dragonflies)? 格兰德边境铁丝网引起了一个问题:怎样蝶(蜓)?
- A city of central New Mexico on the upper Rio Grande southwest of Santa Fe. Founded in1706, it is a noted health resort. Population,384, 736. 阿尔伯克基美国新墨西哥州中部格兰德河上游的一个城市,位于圣菲西南方。于1706年建市,是著名的疗养胜地。人口384,736
- R. C. van Caenegem, Legal History: A European Perspective, London and Rio Grande: The Hamledon Press, 1991. p.127. 亨利·皮雷纳:《中世纪欧洲经济社会史》,乐文译,上海人民出版社1964年版。第49页。
- Koluk the polar bear goes headfirst into the pool at the Albuquerque Rio Grande Zoo in Albuquerque, N.M., on July 15. 7月15日,在美国新墨西哥州格兰惠河动物园里,一只北极熊把头伸进水塘里喝水。(多像一个刚洗过晾晒的狗熊玩具!)
- A river of eastern New Mexico and western Texas flowing about1, 490 km(926 mi) south and southeast to the Rio Grande. 贝可斯河发源于美国新墨西哥州东界和德克萨斯州西界的一条流程约1,490公里(926英里)的河流,往南及东南流经至格兰德河
- The mountainous park in Mexico's Coahuila State joins with Big Bend National Park on the U.S. side of the Rio Grande. 这座位于墨西哥科阿韦拉州的山野公园与位于格兰德河美国一侧的大弯国家公园相连。
- Rio Grande do Sul and Parana, for example, are expected to have a slight increase in this season’s soybean plantings. 比如,南里奥格兰德州和巴拉那州今年的大豆播种面积有望小幅上升。
- She is playing to a public that is more anti-American than any other south of the Rio Grande. 费尔南德斯在公众面前显示出了比格兰德河以南其他国家更为强烈的反美情绪。
- Melinda and Bill Gates at Hidalgo Early College High School in the Rio Grande Valley in Texas. 梅琳达和比尔盖茨早在伊达尔戈学院高中在里奥格兰德河谷在得克萨斯州。
- Asian soybean rust also was found in Parana and Rio Grande do Sul in volunteer soybeans in early November. 9月初,巴拉那州、南里奥格兰德州的自生大豆中也发现了亚洲大豆锈病。
- One night Franklin and Pat drove Hillary and me over the Rio Grande to Matamoros, Mexico. 一天晚上,他和帕特驾车带我和希拉里穿过格朗德河,来到墨西哥的马塔莫罗斯。
- It may also happen the next few days of rainfall, which will further boost soybean crop in Rio Grande do Sul. 未来几天可能还会出现降雨,这将进一步提振南里奥格兰德州大豆作物生长。
- The Rio Grande River forms a natural boundary between Mexico and the United States. 格兰德河是美国和墨西哥之间的开然界河。