- Rio Platano Biosphere Reserve 雷奥普拉塔诺生物圈保护区
- It was included into the "Man and Biosphere Reserve Network" by UNESCO in 1980. 1980年它又被世界教科文组织列入“人与生物圈保护区网”。
- A valuation study on the indirect values of forest ecosystem in Changbaishan Mountain Biosphere Reserve of China. 长白山自然保护区森林生态系统间接经济价值评估。
- One small project which has proved to be a success is a differentiated rubbish collection in the biosphere reserve. 小型计画的成功,是生物圈保护区的垃圾分类。
- The biosphere reserve concept provides a trajectory to the solution of this issue. 生物圈保护区的概念为解决这一问题提供了重要思路。
- Valuation on non-use values of biodiversity by contingent valuation method in Changbai Mountain Biosphere Reserve in China. 长白山自然保护区生物多样性非使用价值评估。
- This article shows the characteristics of foraging and nesting habitats for Saunders Gull ( Larus saundersi ) in Yancheng Biosphere Reserve. 对江苏盐城黑嘴鸥繁殖期觅食地和营巢地及其主要特征进行了调查。
- The Ebro reservoir, a UNESCO-backed biosphere reserve, has a unique ecological system consisting of a great variety of plant and animal species. Ebro水库,一座由UNESCO(联合国教科文组织)支持的生态圈保护区,拥有一个唯一由大量动植物物种组成的生态系统。
- The High Tatras, tallest of the Western Carpathian range, straddle the border of Slovakia and Poland and have been declared a biosphere reserve by UNESCO. 高塔特拉山作为喀尔巴阡山脉西部的最高峰,横跨于斯洛伐克和波兰边界,并被联合国教科文组织公布为生物圈保护区。
- The observational results of surface ozone, NO, NO2 concentrations and solar actinic radintion during the summer of 1996 in Dinghushan biosphere reserve, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province are given. 给出了 1996年夏季在广东肇庆鼎湖山对光化辐射、地面 O3、 NO、 NO2浓度的观测结果,对影响地面O3、NO、NO2的主要因子进行了分析。
- Dynamics of soil NO3--N and its response to N additions in the major forests (pine, mixed and monsoon evergreen broadleaf forests) of Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve were studied by using ion-exchange resin bags method. 用离子交换树脂袋法,研究了鼎湖山三种森林(马尾松林、马尾松针叶阔叶混交林和季风常绿阔叶林)土壤硝态氮对外加氮的响应特征。
- Based on the experiments of Castanopsis chinensis seed traits and seed predation in Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve, we explored the influences of seed traits on seed predation patterns. 通过对鼎湖山自然保护区锥栗种子特征的分析及进行种子取食实验,研究探讨了锥栗种子特征对动物取食格局的影响。
- Yellowstone National Park was designated an International Biosphere Reserve in 1976 and a World Heritage Site in 1978 by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). 黄石公园1976年被联合国教科文组织定为国际自然保护区,1978年又被列为世界文化遗产。
- In keeping with the biosphere reserve model, it will promote greater community involvement and intergovernmental coordination in managing nature reserves. 按照生物圈保护区模型,本项目还将进一步扩大社区的参与以及加强在自然保护区管理的过程中政府间的协调作用。
- The creatures find safe haven here under the protection of one of UNESCO's Man and Biosphere reserves. 它们寻找安全港这里在联合国教科文组织的人与生物圈保护区保护之下。
- A native or inhabitant of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 巴西里约热内卢人或里约热内卢的居民
- Mount Wuyi Natural Preservation Area joined in September, 1987 "Man and Biosphere reserves Network" of the United Nations. 1987年9月,武夷山自然保护区加入联合国"人与生物圈保留地网组织"。
- The two concepts of world heritages and Biosphere reserves come under the aegis of UNESCO. Their objectives are mainly to conserve species diversity and ecosystems of the world. 世界遗产地和生物圈保护区的概念都是在联合国教科文组织 (UNESCO)主持下制定的 ,主要目的都在于保护世界的物种多样性和生态系统 ;
- The two concepts of world heritages and Biosphere reserves come under the aegis of UNESCO.Their objectives are mainly to conserve species diversity and ecosystems of the world. 世界遗产地和生物圈保护区的概念都是在联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)主持下制定的,主要目的都在于保护世界的物种多样性和生态系统;
- International Man and Biosphere Reserve Network 国际人与生物圈保护区网络