- To such a professional body Roger Chillingworth was a bri lliant acquisition. 与这样的一种职业团体相比,罗格、齐灵窝斯便成了一个卓越的名家。
- "I have left thee to the scarlet letter," replied Roger Chillingworth. “我把你留给了红字,”罗杰 - 齐灵渥斯回答说。
- Roger Chillingworth possessed all, or most, of the attributes above enumerated. 上述这些特色,罗杰-齐灵渥斯全部或者大部分具备。
- The intellect of Roger Chillingworth had now a sufficiently plain path before it. 罗杰 - 齐灵渥斯的思路如今变得十分平坦了。
- Roger Chillingworth knows your purpose to reveal his true character. Will he continue, then, to keep our secret? 罗杰 - 齐灵渥斯既然知道了你有意要揭示他的真实身分,那么,他还肯继续保持我们的秘密吗?
- "Verily, and in good faith," answered Roger Chillingworth, "I knew nothing of the matter. “说真的,我讲的是实话,”罗杰 - 齐灵渥斯回答,“我对此一无所知。’
- The people, in the case of which we speak, could justify its prejudice against Roger Chillingworth by no fact or argument worthy of serious refutation. 就我们所谈的这些人而论,他们对罗杰 - 齐灵渥斯的偏见,其事实或理由都不值认真一驳。
- "All this time, Roger Chillingworth was looking at the minister with the grave and intent regard of a physician towards his patient. 可是,我当时一心一意只想乘小舟去航行,从不考虑怎样使小舟离开陆地的问题。
- Old Roger Chillingworth knelt down beside him, with a blank, dull countenance, out of which the life seemed to have departed. 上面所刻的铭文,是一个专司宗谱纹章的官员的词句,可以充当我们现在结束的这个传说的箴言和简短描述;
- "Ah," replied Roger Chillingworth, with that quietness, which, whether imposed or natural, marked all his deportment, "it is thus that a young clergyman is apt to speak. “啊,”罗杰 - 其灵渥斯说,不管是做作的还是天生的,他的举止总是安详得令人瞩目,“一个年轻的牧师确实喜欢这么讲话。
- Under the appellation of Roger Chillingworth, the reader will remember, was hidden another name, which its former wearer had resolved should never more be spoken. 读者会记得,在罗杰 - 其灵渥斯的称呼背后,还隐藏着另一个姓名,原来叫那姓名的人下了决心再不让人提起。
- "And now, Mistress Prynne," said old Roger Chillingworth, as he was hereafter to be named, "I leave thee alone;alone with thy infant,the scarlet letter! “我过去对炼金术的研究,”他述说着,“再加上过去一年里生活在一个精通草药品性的民族,使我比科班出身的医生更高明。
- "And now, Mistress Prynne," said old Roger Chillingworth, as he was hereafter to be named, "I leave thee alone;alone with thy infant, and the scarlet letter! “我过去对炼金术的研究,”他述说着,“再加上过去一年里生活在一个精通草药品性的民族中间,使我比许多科班出身的医生更高明。
- Others contended that the stigma had not been produced until a long time subsequent, when old Roger Chillingworth, being a potent necromancer, had caused it to appear, through the agency of magic and poisonous drugs. 另一些人则争论说,那烙印是经过很长时间之后,由那个有法力的巫师老罗杰 - 齐灵渥斯,靠着魔法和毒剂的力量,才把它显示出来的。
- All the time that he gazed upward to the zenith, he was, nevertheless, perfectly aware that little Pearl was hinting her finger towards old Roger Chillingworth, who stood at no great distance from the scaffold. 在仰望天顶的整个过程中,他始终非常清楚,小珠儿在指着站得离刑台不远的老罗杰 - 齐灵渥斯。
- "There goes a woman," resumed Roger Chillingworth, after a pause, "who, be her demerits what they may, hath none of that mystery of hidden sinfulness which you deem so grievous to be borne. “那边走着一个妇人,”罗杰 - 齐灵渥斯停了一会儿后接着说,“她不论有什么过错,绝不会被你认为如此难以忍受的隐蔽着的负罪感所左右。
- "Woman, I could well-nigh pity thee," said Roger Chillingworth, unable to restrain a thrill of admiration too, for there was a quality almost majestic in the despair which she expressed. “女人,我满可以可怜你的
- In pursuance of this resolve, he took up his residence in the Puritan town as Roger Chillingworth, without other introduction than the learning and intelligence of which he possessed more than a common measure. 为了实现自己的决心,他以罗杰 - 其灵渥斯的名义在这座清教徒城镇中居住下来,他毋须其它介绍,只消他所具备的异乎寻常的学识就成了。
- Had a man seen old Roger Chillingworth, at that moment of his ecstasy, he would have had no need to ask how Satan comports himself when a precious human soul is lost to heaven, and won into his kingdom. 若是有人看到老罗杰 - 齐灵渥斯此时的忘乎所以,他就不必去询问:当一个宝贵的人类灵魂失去了天国,堕入撤旦的地狱之中时,那魔王该如何举动了。
- One day, leaning his forehead on his hand, and his elbow on the sill of the open window, that looked towards the grave-yard, he talked with Roger Chillingworth, while the old man was examining a bundle of unsightly plants. 一天,他用一只手支着前额,肘部垫在朝坟墓开着的窗子的窗台上,同罗杰 - 齐灵渥斯谈话,那老人正在检看一簇难看的植物。