- Roger paid the bill by cashing in some bonds. 罗杰卖掉一些债券来付账。
- We've been out of touch with Roger for years now. 我们至今已有数年未与罗杰来往了。
- The king is the most important person in a kingdom. 国王是一个王国中最重要的人物。
- Roger had it upon him to gain men over to his party. 罗杰以说服他人参加他的政党为已任。
- Wales was a vassal kingdom at that time. 那时威尔士是个附庸国。
- Roger had built so much on the cast of this single die! 罗杰对这次的孤注一掷,原抱着多大的指望啊!
- The ruler of a kingdom is designated a king. 王国的统治者称作国王。
- The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy. 英国是君主立宪国。
- She gave me the elbow when she started going out with Roger. 她开始与罗杰外出约会,就把我撇开了。
- The queen ruled her kingdom wisely. 女王英明地统治着她的王国。
- Roger Kingdom 金多姆
- The United Kingdom was a mighty empire before World War I. 英联邦在第一次世界大战前曾是一个强大的帝国。
- All citizens of the United Kingdom are ruled by the laws thereof. 英联盟的全体公民都受联盟法律的约束。
- Don't mention politics or we'll be here till kingdom come. 咱们别谈政治吧,否则一谈就没个完。
- A king ruling a kingdom considered small or unimportant. 小国之君统治小块的或不重要的领地的君主
- Roger figured as chief guest at the party. 罗杰以主宾的身份出现在聚会上。
- She recognized in Roger a dangerous man. 她意识到罗杰是个危险人物。
- They had no hope of admission to the celestial kingdom. 他们无望进入天国。
- Roger, uncommunicative by nature, said nothing. 罗杰天性沉默寡言,他一声不吭。
- The United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 联合王国由大不列颠和北爱尔兰组成。