- I moved away from the North not long after, so most of my Rugby League since then has been viewed on the small screen. 不久我便搬离了北方,自那以后,我的橄榄球竞赛联合会的多数成员都已在电视上亮相了。
- I moved away from the North not long after,so most of my Rugby League since then has been viewed on the small screen. 不久我便搬离了北方,自那以后,我的橄榄球竞赛联合会的多数成员都已在电视上亮相了。
- Rugby League is a game of survival. It's dog eat dog. It makes a man turn animal on a Rugby field. 联盟制橄榄球赛是生存的竞赛,是残酷无情的竞争。在橄榄球场上,人都变成野兽了。
- Now, I'd love to hear your comments and what you make of this ragtag bunch of rugby league players representing countries some have never even visited. 现在,我希望听到你们的意见和你们如何看待这些参差不齐的代表一些人从未去过国家的英式橄榄球联盟球员的。
- Whelan speaks from experience as his Wigan rugby league side were almost untouchable until the introduction of a £1.8million salary cap. 威兰用他的维冈橄榄球比赛举例,他的队伍几乎遥不可及知道联赛引进了1800万的工资限额。
- This will be the 13th Rugby League World Cup. Australia has won it 9 times and England 3 times, with the Aussies also winning the last 6. 这是第13届英式橄榄球联盟世界杯。澳大利亚获胜过9次,英格兰获胜过3次,而澳大利亚也在前6届中获胜。
- Australia's swine flu outbreak has affected sports events as a national swimming competition was axed and rugby league's first case put fixtures in doubt. 澳大利亚猪流感暴发已影响到体育赛事,因为一场全国游泳比赛被取消,同时英式橄榄球联盟的第一例病例也让大家对比赛时间表示怀疑。
- Examples include Matt Thomas, who is now playing for the England Rugby League team;BBC presenter Gemma Hunt;Anglia TV presenter Becky Jago;and footballer Zema Abbey. 其中,包括有英国橄榄球联盟效力的队员MattThomas、BBC的节目主持人GemmaHunt、英格兰电视节目主持人BeckyJago以及足球运动员ZemaAbbey。
- DAVE WHELAN The millionaire businessman, who also owns the Wigan Warriors rugby league club, has seen salary restrictions help level the playing field in Super League and believes the idea would also work in football. 这位富翁商人也拥有维甘勇士橄榄球联赛俱乐部;他发现薪水限制使橄榄球超级联赛的球队在赛场上处于同一水平;他认为这个措施在足球世界也会起作用.
- This article mainly covers the history of rugby league from this schism.For information on the history and evolution of rugby football prior to this split see football and the history of rugby union. 这篇文章主要覆盖了从分裂以来橄榄球联赛的历史(说实话,什么分裂我也不知道,所以可能有误)从橄榄球联赛在分裂之前的历史和进化来了解橄榄球以及橄榄球连队的历史。
- Australian National Rugby League 澳大利亚国家橄榄球联盟
- Rugby League( partly professional form of Rugby,with 13 players in a team) 联盟橄榄球(半职业性质;每队13 人).
- The M6 diverges from the M1 just north of Rugby. 6号高速公路与1号高速公路在拉格比市以北处岔开。
- She was in league with her mother to embarrass me. 她和她母亲联合起来叫我下不了台。
- Our club is a member of the Football League. 我们的俱乐部是足球联合会的一员。
- The rugby players were swilling mugs of beer at the bar. 橄榄球运动员正在酒吧间痛饮啤酒。
- He is a member of the Ivy League. 他是长春藤联合会的一员。
- Is this game a league match or a friendly? 这场比赛是联赛还是友谊赛?
- In rugby football, passing forward is against the rules. 在橄榄球比赛中,往前传球是犯规的。
- The local schools formed a football league. 当地几所学校组建了足球联合会。