- Rural oldest old 农村高龄老人
- rural old -age pension Insurance systems 农村养老保险
- the rural old age insurance system 农村养老保险
- My eight year old Old English Sheepdog has been wonderful with my children (who are now 7 and 2). 我家养的8岁古牧和我的孩子们(一个7岁一个2岁)生活得很好。
- Jincheng above relates to the shares outstanding before and after the two-term controlling shareholder of the old old. 上述欠款涉及到金城股份前后两任控股股东的陈年旧债。
- What old old official sees he is spat is branny completely, ask: "You say eating dog meat, how to spit branny come? 大老官见他吐的全是糠,便问:“你说吃的狗肉,怎么吐出糠来?”
- Shanxi, Taiyuan, the provincial capital is completed Theater during the oldest old cinemas, located in the bustling downtown of Liu Xiang. 山西剧院是省会太原建成年代最久远的老字号电影院,坐落于最繁华的闹市区柳巷。
- He is a great guy, a chip off the old block. 他是一位好人,就像他父亲一样。
- That old man is a fount of wisdom. 那个老人有无穷的智慧。
- The old farm has been split up into house lots. 这古老的农场已被划分为一块块的宅地。
- Rural areas have been worst hit by the strike. 受罢工影响最严重的是乡村地区。
- The old man stared the uninvited guest up and down. 老人把不速之客上下打量了一番。
- But ironically, einners new bladewing are usually, but not the ones who are trying to protect the old old income and assets. 只不过具有讽刺意味的是,赢家通常都是新进场者,而不是那些试图保护旧收入和旧资产的人。
- He is vicar of a large rural parish. 他是农村一大牧区的牧师。
- The shape, texture, woodiness neat meticulously carved design "clear, left, right, fishing boat," poem "a pathetic lie carving, old old fishing river. 器形规整,木质缜密,纹路清晰,左刻图案“孤舟垂钓”,右上方刻诗“一卧沧江老钓徒,故人风景忆三吴。
- One day he eats branny hind go out, aboard encounters old old official, big old Guan Zheng is having a meal, accost idle Chinese eat together. 有一天他吃糠后出门,在船上碰到大老官,大老官正在吃饭,便招呼闲汉一块吃。
- The disease occurs most frequently in rural areas. 那疾病多见於农村地区。
- Still having is the experience with furniture old old actor: Chrysanthemum pear is like the phosphorescence like firebug, after wood chip classics immerses, water is green. 还有一个是家具老艺人多年的经验:黄花梨有如萤火虫般的磷光,木屑经浸泡后,水是绿的。
- I am longing for quiet rural life. 我极想过清静的乡村生活。
- She speaks with a soft rural burr. 她说话带著乡下人的轻柔的r音。