- Since the 1990s,the labor force transferred from rural to urban areas has topped the 80-million mark. 二十世纪九十年代以来农村转移到城镇就业的劳动力达8000多万人。
- Since the 1990s, the labor force transferred from rural to urban areas has topped the 80-million mark. 二十世纪九十年代以来农村转移到城镇就业的劳动力达8000多万人。
- Long-term since, capital of rural labor power formed strong support to urban economy progress, and capital of urban labor power criterion form is not didymous rural support. 长期以来,农村人力资本对城市经济发展形成了强有力的支持,而城市人力资本则形不成对农村的支持。
- As success in rural reform has greatly raised agricultural productivity,the surplus agricultural labor force has started to flow from rural to urban areas,and from western inland to eastern coastal areas. 农村改革的成功极大地提高了农业生产率,农业富余劳动力开始从农村流向城镇,从西部内地流向东部沿海地区。
- Thousands were forced to migrate from rural to urban areas in search of work. 成千上万的人为了寻找工作被迫从农村涌进城市。
- As success in rural reform has greatly raised agricultural productivity, the surplus agricultural labor force has started to flow from rural to urban areas, and from western inland to eastern coastal areas. 农村改革的成功极大地提高了农业生产率,农业富余劳动力开始从农村流向城镇,从西部内地流向东部沿海地区。
- The modernization of Chinese economy is facing the task to urbanize a large surplus population in the rural areas that is the migration of labor from the rural to the urban. 中国要实现工业化、现代化,面临的一个基本任务是要把为数众多的农业剩余人口转变为非农人口、城市人口。这个转变的具体表现形式就是乡城劳动力迁移。
- There has been a steady population shift from rural to urban areas, causing large urban slums and unemployment. 农村人口一直在不断地流入城市,造成失业和大规模的贫民区。
- A giant city in the south-west is a microcosm of China's struggle to move millions from rural to urban areas. 中国正在试图城市化,让数亿农民变成市民,而重庆正是这一切的缩影。
- farmer-worker rural to urban migration 农民工城乡迁移
- Rural to urban community transition 村社转型
- rural to urban resident status transfer “村改居”工作
- "rural to urban resident status transfer" “村改居”
- In some developing countries more and more people migrate to urban area. 在某些发展中的国家,越来越多的人向市区迁移。
- Land conversion from Rural to Urban Areas 农地城市流转
- Land conversion from rural to Urban 农地城市流转
- A new approach to urban renewal is needed. 因此,我们需要以一个新的方式去进行市区重建。
- The village girl was strange to urban life. 这位农村姑娘不习惯城市生活。
- A lot of rural labor will migrate to urban or other higher income regiones... 未来大批农村劳动力仍将向本省的城镇地区和收入较高的外省市流动。
- personal risk costs while they migrate from rural to urban area 城乡迁移个人风险成本