- - 嘿, 发生什么事了, ryan?- Hey, what's up, Ryan?
- 6个读者 [IMG] 原作者: Ryan PretzerEditor’s note: This is the first of a five-part series to be posted daily on Pistons.com this week looking back at the five previous playoff series between the Pistons and Chicago.
- that是一个指示代词。"That" is a demonstrative pronoun.
- 特别感谢好友Ryan转译范威廉先生的演讲。Specially thanks Ryan for the help on transcribing Mr. William Pfeiffer's words.
- 那个句子省略了"that"。There is an ellipsis of "that" in that sentence.
- 表演结束,Ryan将纪念品扔上主看台,并感谢观众,为他在这里受到的热烈欢迎。The show ended with Ryan throwing souvenirs into the Grandstand Crowd and thanking the Crowd being one of the best reception Ryan has ever rec'd.
- 指示词thatTHAT
- [目的]探讨B ryan人工颈椎间盘假体置换治疗颈椎间盘突出症的临床效果。[Objective]To evaluate the clinical result after treatment of disc herniation with the Bryan cervical disc prosthesis.
- 标句词thatcomplementizer 'that'
- “that”一词的用法The Usage of "that
- 72岁的Ryan在听到判决前还在法庭上宣称:“这个州的人民希望更好的生活,我让他们失望了。"People of this state expected better, and I let them down," the 72-year-old Ryan said in court before hearing his sentence.
- this 和 that 是指示代词。'This' and 'that' are demonstrative pronouns.
- Ryan说:“我们正在处理的并不是一个即将到来的会危及公众健康的威胁,而是一个潜在的威胁。What we'; re saying is that we'; re not dealing with an imminent threat to public health, but we are dealing with a potential threat to public health,"Ryan said.
- Who, what, that等是关系代词。Who, what, that, etc. are relatives.
- "那个句子省略了""that""。""There is an ellipsis of ""that"" in that sentence."
- 尽管Ryan退休后面对着众多的流言蜚语,他仍然接受全国各地的演讲邀请,并因他反对死刑制度而获得了诺贝尔和平奖的提名。Even as he faced scandal back home, Ryan accepted speaking invitations across the country and was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for his criticism of the death penalty.
- 指示代词these(这些)和that(那)The demonstrative pronouns these and that.
- 以热研5号柱花草(Stylosanthes guianensis cv.Ryan No.5)为材料,系统地研究了不同选择标记基因NptII,hpt和bar的柱花草转化体系.The transformation systems of Stylosanthes guianensis cv.Ryan No. 5 b y using nptII,hpt,bar as selection genes were studied.
- 听起来真棒!(=That/It sounds great!)Sounds great!
- 指示代词these(这些)和that(那)The demonstrative pronouns these and that.