- Please check the seal number on the tape and the one on the Form. 请检查部分样品的密封号是否与记录单上记录的号码一致。
- Mark and Barbara are going together now. 马克与巴巴拉现在正在谈恋爱。
- For this I give him full marks and I hope history will do the same. 为此我十分赞赏他,但愿历史也会给他同样的评价。
- He buy a block of share in mark and spencer. 他购买了“麦克斯和斯潘塞百货联销店”的大宗股份。
- I've splayed the bonnet, but the marks and scratches show through the paint. 我已把引擎盖喷了漆,但一些印痕透过油漆仍隐约可见。
- 2Sighed commercial invoice in quintuplicate indicating contract No, marks and Nos,as well as the credit No. 经签署的一式五份的商业发票上标有合同号;麦头和信用证号.
- IN CASE OF CONTAINER SHIPMENT....+NOS.OF CONTAINERS AND NOS. 若为集装箱装运,每一集装箱的集装箱号码、包装数量应在提单上表明。
- I've sprayed the bonnet, but the marks and scratches show through the paint. 我已经将汽车罩喷过漆了,但透过油漆还依稀可见斑斑点点的痕迹。
- The dividing line is not always marked and clear. (两者间的)界限并不总是那么清楚明显的。
- Sometimes I got low marks and I felt stressed. 有时我得了低分,我觉得压力很大。
- The expressions of VEGF and NOS mRNA in ovaries were detected by RT-PCR. RT-PCR检测卵巢VEGF和NOSmRNA的表达;
- Please telegraph marks and destination. 请电告唛头式样及目的港。
- Container seal number is verified against shipping documents when departing the factory. 货柜离厂前是否比照船务文件对货柜封条编号进行核实?
- Measure the activity of SOD and NOS,the amount of NO and MDA in the testicle. 测定服用补肾生精丸前后实验动物睾丸组织超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、一氧化氮合酶(NOS)活性及一氧化氮(NO)、丙二醛(MDA)含量。
- The arrow reach its mark and the bird fall dead. 那枝箭射中鹄的,那只鸟坠地而死。
- He bought a block of shares in Mark and Spencer. 他购买了“麦克斯和斯潘塞百货联销店”的大宗股份。
- What is currently missing are sections specifically designated for just the Seller, Buyer, and consignee addresses, and well as a separate line for the seal number. 现在缺的部分是具体分配给卖方,买方和代销人的地址以及单独的一行标记有印章号码。
- That every match person must wear on the match number mark is stipulated the match rule. 比赛规则规定每个比赛者必须佩戴一个赛号标志。
- In your opinion,how do Mark and Jones compare? 依您看,马克和琼斯谁更好?