- SGX MSCI Taiwan index futures 台湾股指期货
- and (2) For both SGX MSCI and TAIFEX Taiwan index future, the power EWMA estimator outperforms other time-varying hedge ratios. 最后,就避险比率的变异数来看,使用SGX摩根台指期货,其避险比率异数,较TAIFEX台指期货为低。
- The empirical results show that the SGX-DT futures contract is more effective than the TAIFEX futures contract for managing the MSCI Taiwan index. 实证结果如下:(1)摩根台指组合以美元计价SGX-DT期货进行避险之避险效益优于TAIFEX期货。
- Taiwan Futures Exchange &Morgan Stanley Capital International Inc.( MSCI ) The MSCI Taiwan IndexSM and all of the information contained in it ... 库存页面-更多此站结果台湾期货交易所行情资讯网--免责声明英-中文翻译
- In this article, we shall use the soon-to-be-launched "Simex MSCI Singapore Stock Index Futures" (or "SiMSCI Futures for short") for illustration. 我们在本文将会介绍预定推出的“摩根新加坡指数期货指数”(简称为“摩根新加坡指数”)。
- This paper uses a long memory model to analyze the MSCI Taiwan StockIndex Futures.We study the lead-lag relationship between Futures andSpots,and the charateristics of futures market. 摘要本研究主要是以缓长记忆模式对摩根台指进行实证,以期货与现货的领先--落后关系与期货市场的特性为主题进行探讨。
- Finally, we will conclude the series with a thorough explanation of the contract specification of the Simex MSCI Singapore Stock Index Futures. 最后,就在摩根新加坡指数期货正式出台之前,我们以系列之八仔细地说明该期货合约的确切规格及交易规则,并以摩根台湾指数期货为例,解释每日出现在《商业时报》的讯息。
- In this article, we shall use the soon-to-be-launched Simex MSCI Singapore Stock Index Futures (or SiMSCI Futures for short) for illustration. 但也很可能涨幅较小,甚或不涨反跌。此时,除了顿足捶胸,就只能叹:“如果有股价指数期货就好了!”
- Identify how stock index futures are priced. 识别股指期货定价。
- Speculating with stock index futures? 如何以股价指数期货投机?
- Why Doesn't Stock Index Futures Open Tardily? 对于股指期货迟迟难以推出原因的探讨?
- What Is A Stock Index Futures Contract? 股价指数期货买卖什么?
- This series aims to enhance small investors' understanding of the stock index futures in general and the Simex MSCI Singapore Stock Index Futures contract in particular. 我们将以一系列的文章帮助读者了解股价指数期货的应用, 照理说,我们应该先解释股价指数的涵义、为什么不选择股民熟悉的海峡工商指数;
- MSCI Taiwan IndexSM The MSCI Taiwan IndexSM is a free float-adjusted market capitalisation index. ... MSCI Hong Kong+ IndexSM ... MSCI Singapore IndexSM ... 库存页面-更多此站结果台湾期货交易所行情资讯网--免责声明英-中文翻译
- But what does a Stock Index Futures SIF contract buy or sell? 可是,“股价指数期货”究竟在买卖些什么呢?
- Taiwan and the Taiwan Futures Exchange share price index futures contract specifications, the index is multiplied by NT 200. 而台湾期货交易所的台湾股价指数期货的合约规格,则是指数乘上新台币200元。
- Selected issues related to stock index futures will be discussed. 再追溯股价指数期货的渊源与发展历史;
- Does China really need to launch stock index futures? 中国当前真需要开办股指期货吗?
- The origin and development of stock index futures will be discussed. 讨论一下股价指数期货的渊源与发展历史;
- The stock index future arbitrage tactics studies. 股指期货的套利策略研究。