- SL in narrow sense 狭义第二语言
- Handbag design used to be one part of packing design and supplied the need of merchandise sale in narrow sense. 以往手提袋设计是作为包装设计中的一个项目,满足狭义上的商品销售的需要。
- From penological point of view, personal danger in narrow sense focuses on providing guidance for penalty measurement. 狭义上的人身危险性侧重从刑罚学的角度,为量刑提供指导。
- Our results disagreed with the view of erection of small genera in narrow sense and supported the maintenance of‘big ’genera in broad sense . 此发育学的研究结果不赞成小属分类观,支持了大属分类观,为这类群菌的分类和以此为基础的属征修定提供了参考依据。
- Digital signing means in narrow sense e-signature.Setting password can ensure the completion of e-data and undeniability of the identity of signer. 数字签名是狭义上的电子签章,运用加密技术可以确保电子数据的完整性和签名人身份的不可抵赖性。
- With regard to the theory of unauthorized agency, most of scholars argue that unauthorized agency in narrow sense has no appearance of right of agency, and the fault of principal is not the essential elements of agency by estoppel. 关于无权代理理论,学界大多主张狭义无权代理不具代理权之表象,且本人有过失并非表见代理的构成要件。
- Aiming at the argument that private economy is a vague concept, this article believes that the private economy in narrow sense indicates the non-public owned economy such as sole proprietorship. 本文针对“民营经济是一个模糊的概念”之说,认为狭义的民营经济指个私等非公有制经济;广义的则除了个私经济外,还包括非国有经济中的公有制经济。
- A heat exchanger, in a narrow sense, is a vessel. 从狭义来说,换热器是一种容器。
- A heat exchanger in a narrow sense is a vessel. 从狭义来说,换热器是一种容器。
- SL in a narrow sense 狭义第二语言
- Regeneration in narrower sense has no meaning outside of ordo salutis; it doesn't take place aside from the Word. 狭义的重生,在圣灵救赎次序以外没有意义:重生并不离开上帝的道而独立发生。
- dialectic management in narrow sense 狭义辩证管理学
- What does the word mean in its narrowest sense? 这个词的最狭义的意思是什麽?
- He hid in narrow street shadowed by the church. 他隐藏在狭窄街道里的教堂阴影下面。
- An abnormal fear of being in narrow or enclosed spaces. 幽闭恐怖症处于狭窄或被包围场所的异常恐惧
- What does the word mean in the narrowest sense? 就最精确的含义来说,这个字是什么意思?
- affine geometry in narrower sense 狭义仿射几何学
- equivalence of ideals in narrower sense 理想的狭义等价
- History in this narrow sense is the basis of sociology. 这种狭的历史是社会学的根据。
- SL in CRF patients were positively correlated to plasma HCO3- , serum total protein and albumin levels. CRF病人血清瘦素浓度与血浆HCO3一、血清总蛋白、白蛋白呈明显正相关。