- II(Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II. 续作《星球大战:旧共和国武士。
- Discovery - The Science of Star Wars. 星战中的科学。
- Star Wars Episode II - Attack of the Clones. 大战前传II-克隆人的进攻。
- Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II. 旧共和国武士II:西斯领主。
- Star Wars Empire At War Forces of Cor. 星球大战帝国战争之堕落之军。
- An omen or foreboding, especially of evil. 预示,预兆,凶兆预兆或凶兆,尤指不幸的
- He was in the control of evil men and forced to do wicked things. 他被坏人控制,被迫做了坏事。
- The speaker is going to debate on Star War with his opponents. 讲演者将和他的对手辩论有关星球大战的问题。
- The new Star Wars movie has lots of technical razzle-dazzle. 新电影《星际大战》中有很多技术特技。
- The personification of evil as a devil is a feature of medieval painting. 用魔鬼象徵罪恶是中世纪绘画的特色。
- Well, I think this Star Wars episode is an excellent piece of work. 嗯,我觉得这部《星球大战》前传非常好,
- He has not a tincture of evil in his nature. 他生性没有一点邪恶。
- When did you see the finished version of Star Wars in theaters? 你何时在戏院中见到完成版的星际大战电影?
- Of evil grain, no good seed can come. 坏谷无好种。
- After Return of the Jedi, Star Wars publishing entered hibernation. 《绝地归来》上映过后,《星球大战》出版业进入休眠期。
- Some have feared it as a messenger of evil. 有些人害怕它是个不吉利的兆头。
- I am going to see "star wars" at the cinema. 我要去电影院看星球大战。
- The doing of evil or harm; mischief. 邪恶行径坏事或邪恶之事的行为; 罪恶
- GL: Empire is a much different film than Star Wars. 《帝国反击战》是和《星球大战》非常不同的电影。