- STIR FIR sequence 短反转时间快速反转恢复序列
- The road was covered with fir needles. 这条路上铺满了冷杉针叶。
- The loss of the ball game stir up much feeling. 球赛输了引起了极大的愤慨。
- The news caused quite a stir in the village. 那消息在村里引起了一片混乱。
- Now, stir the beaten eggs in the milk. 现在把打好的鸡蛋搅拌进牛奶。
- In video disk, a consecutive sequence of frames. 在视频光盘上,一种连续的帧序列。
- Stir the sauce to prevent it lumping. 把沙司搅拌一下以免结块。
- She made a sequence of dance movements. 她做了一个连续的舞蹈动作。
- Put the mixed historical facts in sequence. 将混淆的历史事件按顺序排列。
- The oatmeal lumps if you don't stir it well. 如果你不好好搅拌,麦片粥会结块。
- His speech was calculated to stir up the crowd. 他讲的话是有意鼓动群众的。
- The news made a big stir among the colonists. 这个消息在殖民地居民中引起了轰动。
- We will deal with events in historical sequence. 我们将按照历史上的先后顺序研究这些事件。
- Stir the coffee to settle the grounds. 把咖啡搅一搅好让渣滓沉淀。
- Stir the flour and milk to a stiff paste. 把面粉和牛奶搅成很稠的糊。
- Stir your stumps, or we'll leave without you. 快走,要不我们就要丢下你自己走了。
- Farmers met with a sequence of bad harvests. 农民们遇到了接二连三的坏收成。
- He described the events of that day in sequence. 他按先后次序描述了那一天发生的种种事件。
- One who advocates or attempts to stir up war. 好战份子大肆宣传或欲鼓动起战争的人
- The twelfth in a set or sequence. 第十二个在一套或一系列中的第十二个