- Saccharomyces formosensis 台湾酵母
- A typical chimney built by Uca formosensis. 图33.;台湾招潮所建造的典型烟囱。
- Uca lactea lactea , a common sympatric species of Uca formosensis . 图24.;弧边招潮是台湾招潮常见的共域种类。
- Uca lactea, a common sympatric species of Uca formosensis. 图24.;弧边招潮是台湾招潮常见的共域种类。
- Uca lactea lactea, a common sympatric species of Uca formosensis. 图23.;清白招潮是台湾招潮常见的共域种类。
- Uca arcuata, a common sympatric species of Uca formosensis. 图25.;粗腿招潮是台湾招潮在澎湖地区常见的共域种类。
- An ovigerous female Uca formosensis is building the chimney. 图34.;正在堆起烟囱的抱卵雌性台湾招潮。
- It is classified as a Saccharomyces cerevisiae bayanus. 它被列为酿酒酵母酵母。
- Saccharomyces cerevisiae was immobilized by Penicillium. 酿酒酵母被青霉菌固定。
- A study with vacuolar mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. 外文期刊 Iron sequestration by the yeast vacuole.
- Helice formosensis is another crab species sympatric to Uca formosensis. 图26.;台湾厚蟹是台湾招潮共域的其他蟹类。
- Uca formosensis, a white band frequently exists on the posterior carapace. 图21.;有的雌性台湾招潮的背甲的中央到前方也有大片的淡色区域。
- A given amount of surface-fermenting yeast, saccharomyces cerevisiae, is used. 在发酵中,通常使用一种给定数量的表面发酵酵母,啤酒酵母
- But Hackett had his doubts about the 45 million-year-old Saccharomyces. 不过,哈科特对于这种年龄高达四千五百万岁的酵母菌疑心重重。
- Among the hosts, Saccharomyces cerevisiae is the best microorganism. 在这些宿主中,酒精酵母菌是最佳的微生物。
- A habitat of Uca formosensis is located in Fangyuan, Changhua County, the mangrove within is Kandelia candel. 图11.;台湾招潮的栖地之一:彰化县芳苑,图中的红树林为水笔仔。
- The burrow depth of Uca formosensis reaches approximately one meter in the high intertidal zone. 图37.;栖息在高潮线地区的台湾招潮,其洞穴深可达一公尺。
- A habitat of Uca formosensis is located in Chiku, Tainan County, which is one of the largest habitats of Uca formosensis . 图14.;台湾招潮的栖地之一:台南县七股,为目前台湾招潮最大的栖息地之一。
- Uca chlorophthalmus crassipes, a common sympatric species of Uca formosensis in Penghu (Pescadores) habitat. 图25.;粗腿绿眼招潮是台湾招潮在澎湖地区常见的共域种类。
- Dorsal view of a female Uca formosensis, a white band frequently exists on the posterior carapace. 图20.;雌性台湾招潮背面图,背甲后方通常有白色横带。