- Safe and Security Precaution 安全防范
- The intraverse product take care of the underlying network issue and security precaution to make your intranet secure. 为了保证您企业内部网的安全,IntraVerse产品会注意内在的网络问题和安全措施。
- Brandon Flower Gift Shop - Order online safely and securely ! 布兰登鲜花礼品店&阶上网安全稳妥!
- Kaspersky Internet Security 2009 has everything you need for a safe and secure Internet experience. 卡巴斯基全功能安全软件2009-多功能一体的安全解决方案,为您和您的家人创建安全无忧的计算环境。
- He opened his safe and drew out a petty-cash box. 他打开保险柜取走一个小钱匣。
- We slept with our doors and windows wide open. We felt safe and secure. 我们夜不闭户,开着门窗睡觉,因为感到很安全。
- They have got home safe and sound. 他们已平安到家。
- I wish you a safe and pleasant journey. 我祝你旅途平安愉快。
- All his sons returned safe and sound from the war. 他所有的儿子都从战争中平安无恙地回来了。
- The package arrived safe and sound. 包裹寄到,丝毫无损。
- The LZ was setup and maintained in a perfectly safe and secure manner, with a textbook 4-point LZ perimeter. 该起降区域的建立和维护一直保持著完备的安全防护,并符合教科书中指出的四项直升机起降区域的要求。
- Every seafarer has the right to a safe and secure workplace that complies with safety standards. 每一海员均有权享有符合安全标准的安全且受保护的工作场所。
- Promote positive sporting values, including fair play and anti-racism, as well as safe and secure match environments. 积极促进体育价值,包括公平竞争和反种族主义,以及安全的比赛环境。
- Under their vigilance, the prisons are relatively safe and secure, and serious physical violence is a rare occurrence. 他们夙夜匪懈,使监狱相较其他地区来得安全而保安严密,罕有严重暴力事件发生。
- You create melodrama at an emotional level and would prefer to stay at home where it's safe and secure. 巨蟹座的你宁愿待在家里,享受安静舒服的小日子。
- By using the virtue of truthfulness also he would remain safe and secure no matter where he was or what he stole. 利用诚实这一美德,无论他在哪里或者偷了什么,他也都可以平安无事。
- The bus might be early, so we'd better play safe and leave now. 公共汽车可能早到,因此我们得稳妥点,现在就动身。
- Olympic Village The Olympic Village is a safe and secure accommodation complex reser... 奥运村 奥运村是指专门为运动员及随行官员预留的安全可靠的住宿综合区。
- The Danes had selfconfidence of conquerors, and their security precautions were casual. 这些丹麦人具有征服者的自信,而且他们的安全防卫也是漫不经心的。