- How to read a material safety data sheet. 如何读懂材料安全数据表。
- Follow the safety precautions in the appropriate material safety data sheet (MSDS). 遵守相应的材料安全数据表(MSDS)上的安全措施。
- If there are queries and questions with Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), do not hesitate to contact us. 若对材料安全性数据表有疑问,请立即和我们联系。
- Transene Co. Inc., "Materal safety data sheet for aluminum etchant type A", Transene Co. Inc., Rowley, MA, 1987. 李世鸿,"积体电路制程技术",五南图书出版公司,民国87年10月。
- Also, review the Material Safety Data Sheet(MSDS) and follow all recommendations. 还可以参考合适的材料安全数据表(MSDS),并遵守所有的建议。
- Please read the relevant material safety data sheet (available from Asahi Kasei Chemicals Corporation) thoroughly before use. 并请在使用前彻底阅读相关的材料安全资料表(旭化成化学公司可提供)。
- Refer to the product Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for recommended work practices and other product safety information. 有关实际使用建议及其它产品安全信息,请参考产品材料安全数据表(MSDS)。
- The legitimacy of the toxicity chemistry managing, and preparation of material safety data sheet (MSDS) had obvious improved. 毒性化学物质之运作及物质安全资料表备置之合法性则有明显改善。
- Before use, carefully examine all labels on the container. Read the Material Safety Data Sheet and comply with its requirements, especially wear adequate protective equipment. 在使用前,必须仔细检查容器上的所有标签,阅读材料数据表,尤其是要穿戴适当的劳保用品。
- ObjectiveTo explore the application of the material safety data sheet (MSDS) in pre-evaluation of occupational hazards in constructing engineering projects. 目的探索物质安全数据表(MSDS)在建设项目职业病危害预评价中的应用。
- Would you be kind enough to send me the MSDS(material safety data sheet) as well as the technical data sheet for the product(dry form) zirconium oxychloride. 本信息价值5点积分,建议回复日期2005-01-24之前,还可被浏览4次如果您是本网注册会员,请登录后查看联系方式。
- Before you download a Safety Data Sheet you will be asked to give your name and address in order to make it possible for us to notify you if and when the downloaded SDS is updated. 在您下载安全数据表之前,您需要提供您的姓名和地址以便我们对数据安全表更新时通知您。
- Know and understand the properties, uses, and safety precautions before using any gas or gas mixture. Consult the Air Products Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and Safetygrams for safety information on the gases and equipment you will be using. 在使用任何气体或气体混合物之前,要知道和理解性质、用途和安全防范。关于你将要使用的气体和设备的安全资料,请参考air Products的材料安全数据表(MSDS)和安全程序。
- If oxygen-deficient atmospheres are suspected or can occur, use oxygen monitoring equipment to test for oxygen-deficient atmospheres. Review the liquid helium Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). 如果怀疑空气中缺氧或缺氧可能发生;使用氧检测设备来测试缺氧空气.;可以参考合适的材料安全数据表(MSDS)
- If oxygen-deficient atmospheres are suspected or can occur, use oxygen monitoring equipment to test for oxygen-deficient atmospheres. Review the liquid nitrogen Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). 如果怀疑空气中缺氧或缺氧可能发生;使用氧检测设备来测试缺氧空气.;可以参考合适的材料安全数据表(MSDS)
- Printers may soon be updating their material safety data sheets and product labels for pressroom chemicals. 印表机可能很快会更新他们的物质安全数据表和产品标签的印刷化学品。
- Improved comprehensibility of product labels and safety data sheets should translate into improved employee safety. 改进理解的产品标签和安全数据表应转化为提高员工的安全。
- Review the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) and train workers on the properties and safe handling of inert gases. 复习材料安全数据表(MSDS);对工作人员进行不活泼气体的性质和安全操作的训练.
- B. All filings and reports, including material safety data sheets, pursuant to the Superfund Amendment and Reauthorization Act of 1996. 所有备案和报告;包括物质安全资料表;依据1996超级基金修正案和重新授权法.
- Proper labelling and provision of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are important for the control of chemical hazards and treatment of diseases caused by chemicals. 适当的标示及物质安全资料表(MSDS)是重要的工具去控制化学品所造成的危害及治疗因化学品暴露所造成的疾病。