- Safety helmets must be worn on this site 此工地必须戴安全帽。
- Protective helmets must be worn on site. 在工地必须戴防护帽。
- Safety helmets must be worn 请务必戴安全头盔
- Helmets should fit snuggly and not fall off in a crash. The weather will be hot, but helmets must be worn, even in warm-up. 头盔需正确佩戴,防止在冲撞时掉落。虽然天气炎热,但参赛者必须带头盔,热身时同样需要。
- Safety helmets overalls gloves and safety footwear should be worn in accordance with CSPC Site Safety Rules. 应当按照CSPC现场安全规则穿戴安全帽、连体式工作服、手套和安全鞋。
- You and your passenger must wear a safety helmet of approved design which must be securely fastened. 你和你的乘客必须戴上合规格的头盔,而且要把头盔扣紧。
- Protective gloves and a safety helmet are worn to minimize injury. 戴上防护手套和安全帽,以便将受伤的可能降到最低。
- Helmets must be fastened during the course of cycling. 在自行车比赛的过程中,必须戴上头盔。
- Shirts and shoes must be worn at all times. 谢绝所有不穿上衣或鞋子的旅客。
- Identification badges must be worn at all times. 表示身份的徽章必须随时佩戴。
- Life jackets must be worn when working outboard. 舷外作业要穿救生衣。
- All visitors to the site must wear safety helmet. 到工地的所有参观者必须带上安全帽。
- Personal Protective Equipment including gloves, aprons, overalls, safety footwear must be worn. 必须穿戴的个人防护用品包括:手套、围裙、工作服、安全鞋。
- Life jacket must be worn when working outboard or overhead. 舷外或高空作业要穿救生衣。
- Proper footwear, including clean socks, must be worn. 必须穿着合适的鞋以及干净的袜子。
- "At that time, his memories, Ma How can not help Yanmianerqi :" Then, from the door to two cars, 30 workers, who are wearing safety helmets, carrying crowbars. 回忆当时情景,马大爷不禁掩面而泣:“随后,从门口冲进来二、三十个民工,他们都戴着安全帽,拿着铁锹。
- While handling HRW in the utility room, gloves must be done, and appropriate gown or plastic apron must be worn. 在杂物间处理医疗危险垃圾时,必须戴手套,穿合适的长外套或戴塑料围裙。
- Suitable eye protection must be worn when using wire brushes, scrapers or chipping hammers. 当使用钢丝刷、刮刀或凿锤时必须佩戴恰当的眼防护用品。
- Some hairpieces must be removed each night; others can be worn for up to a month at a time. 一些假发必须每晚摘下,其余的能一次至少戴一个月。
- The safety helmet is held on by an elastic strap. 安全帽用一根松紧带系住。