- S.M.R.B. = Safety in Mines Research Board 矿山安全研究委员会
- Safety in Mine Research Board 矿山安全研究委员会
- Safety in Mine Research and Testing Branch 矿山安全研究试验所
- Safety in Mines Research Establishment 矿山安全研究院
- S.M.R.T.B. = Safety in Mines Research and Testing Branch 矿山安全研究试验所
- Abstract: Inflammable analysis gas is very important for monitoring of safety in mine. 文章摘要: 可燃性气体分析对于工矿安全的监测具有重要的意义。
- The existing of hidden water flowing subsided columns is major hidden trouble in mine safety in production, is emphasis and nodus in mine flood control. 隐伏导水陷落柱的存在是矿井安全生产的重大隐患,是矿井防治水的重点、难点。
- Mined-out area is one of major dangerous source to affect the safety in mining. 摘要采空区是影响矿山安全生产的主要危险源之一。
- The principal dwelt on traffic safety in his talk. 校长没完没了地谈论交通安全问题。
- I fear for her safety in this weather. 在这种天气里我很担心她的安全。
- Workers and staff of mining enterprises must observe the laws, regulations and enterprise rules concerning safety in mines. 第二十二条矿山企业职工必须遵守有关矿山安全的法律、法规和企业规章制度。
- The tiny hand clasped in mine relaxed its grip. 握在我手里的那只小手慢慢地松开了。
- Has this plastic been tested for safety in great heat? 这种塑料在高温下的安全性是否已检测过?
- There are more rooms in this house than in mine. 这幢房屋里的房间要比我家的多。
- We decided to go to see the boss together; there's safety in numbers. 我们决定一起去找老板,人多胆壮。
- Was the same as the one down in mine. 正和我的一样。
- And I still hold your hand in mine. 还是握着你的手。
- Article 31 In mining mineral resources,a mining enterprise or individual must abide by State regulations regarding labour,safety and health and have the necessary conditions to ensure safety in production. 第三十一条开采矿产资源,必须遵守国家劳动安全卫生规定,具备保障安全生产的必要条件。
- One year ago, he vanishes slowly in mine memory. 过了一年的时间,他在我的记忆里慢慢消失。
- The baby put his tiny hand in mine. 那个婴儿把小手放在我的手中。