- Salix qinghaiensisn. 青海柳
- Youfang town Village Government in Salix. 油坊镇镇政府驻柳庄村。
- Conclusion: Anthoxanthin of Salix has antifatigue effect. 结论:柳黄酮具有抗疲劳作用。
- Numerical taxonomical study on the genus Salix of China. 中国柳属的数量分类研究.
- Preliminary study on structure of wood of Salix in Hefei. 合肥柳属植物木材构造的初步研究.
- Pollen morphology and systematics of Salix in northeastern China. 中国东北柳属花粉形态及其系统学研究.
- Preliminary analysis of peroxidase isoenzyme of Salix plants. 柳属过氧化物同功酶的初步分析.
- Selection of Spatial Niche of Anopophora glabripennis Occurred in Salix spp. 光肩星天牛寄主空间生态位选择性研究。
- A preliminary fuzzy mathematical analysis of a section of Salix from China. 柳属一个中国特有组的模糊数学分析初探.
- Taken together these results indicated that H. qinghaiensis ticks may be infected with two different Theileria species. 这一试验结果证明了羊泰勒虫不能经卵传递,传播方式为阶段性传播。
- Objective To study whether two strains of Haemaphysalis qinghaiensis had genomic DNA differences. 目的研究青海血蜱是否有种型差异。
- The polymorphism DNA of the two strains of Haemaphysalis qinghaiensis was compared,and their diversities were analyzed on DN... 结果青海血蜱两个地理株大部分DNA条带是相同的,少数DNA条带不同。结论两个地理株青海血蜱DNA存在着差异。
- We still skim the backwaters of ponds and streams for the seed of Betula, Acer Salix and Populus species. 我们仍然要在池塘的静水上和溪流中捞取桦木,槭树、杨、柳等树的种子。
- Study on the influence of harvest times on the contents of pyrocactechol form the leaves of salix babylonieal L. 不同采收期对柳叶中邻苯二酚含量的影响。
- The strong EAG activities to leaf odors were found not only in host plants, i. e.,Populus sp., Salix sp. 对寄主植物杨树、柳树和非寄主植物苦楝树的叶片气味均有较强的触角电位反应;
- The resuct indicates that the water extractive of Salix Mongolia can retard and disturb the setting of gypsum. 结果表明,沙柳水抽提物具有延缓和干扰石膏水化的特性,为稳定石膏的水化过程,需加入适量的化学助剂。
- Daily changes of stomatal conduction of Salix gordejevii decreased after 8 a. m. 摘要黄柳叶片气孔导度在上午8时后即呈下降趋势,下表皮气孔导度大于上表皮。
- The drought resistance ability of Salix gordejevii varied at different part of sand dunes and different seasons. 沙丘不同部位各参数值亦不相同,在沙丘中部和丘脚抗旱性最强,而在丘顶水分状况最好。
- The yellow leaves of Salix infants fall quietly blown surface, the water vortex circle around ... 亭亭玉立的柳树变成了一位蓬头垢面的老太婆。
- Western blotting suggested that there was obvious reaction band at 56KD to the sera from sheep infested with all stages of H. qinghaiensis and at 97KD to the sera sheep injected with ground material from ticks. 用感染羊血清和免疫羊血清作免疫印迹时,感染羊血清在56KD处有明显的反应带,免疫羊血清在97KD处有明显的反应带,四个发育阶段的免疫血清在结构蛋白上无明显差异。