- Sample Profile at main level 基本级的简单型
- This film is being screened at main cinemas in town. 这部电影正在城里各大电影院放映。
- Use Pager profile at your office? 使用传呼机剖面上你的办公室?
- This film is screened at main cinema in town. 这部电影正在城里各大电影院放映。
- Police directed traffic at main intersectio . 警察在主要路口指挥交通。
- At main roundabout follow signs for Cheadle. 儿童和加床政策:欢迎所有年零的儿童。
- This film is screened at main cinema in town. 这部电影正在城里各大电影院放映。
- If t is treated as a constant, it represents the wave profile at that instant. 若视t为常数,则该式表示这一瞬间的波形。
- TEDA has set up noise monitoring apparatus at main crossroads. 天津开发区在主要路口建立了道路交通噪声监测装置。
- The closed circuit supervisory system at main public areas; l. 主要公共区域有闭路电视监控系统;
- You may update or change your user profile at any time by going to your profile page. 您可以访问个人资料页,随时更新或编辑您的用户个人资料。
- The main level of a mine. 主坑道矿井的主要位置
- You may update, change, or disable your user profile at any time by going to your profile page. 您可以访问个人资料页,随时更新、修改或停用您的用户个人资料。
- What level is your job with in the company? How many main levels of positions are there at your company? What kind of business is your company in? 你的工作职位是什么?你在公司是什么级别的?在你们公司里有多少主要的职位级别?你们公司从事什么样的业务?下面是一些询问工作地点的方式
- For example, Activating "Office" profile at 9:00am and "Off duty" profile at 7:00pm. 例如;激活"办公室"上午09时和下午概况"下班"姿态在下午七时.
- The endplates are now narrower at the top too, with a new curving profile at the bottom. 処于顶部的终板也变得十分的狭小,终板在底部也拥有了一个新的弯曲的剖面。
- Directly take the magazine at main International Trade Show around the world. 在国内外专业展览上索取我们的刊物。
- Shiloh Pepin died at Maine Medical Center. 希萝.佩平病逝于缅因医学中心。
- Microtremor measurement has been increasingly adopted to assess site amplification and S-wave velocity profile at sites. 微地动量测正逐渐地被应用在场址放大效应的评估,以及剪力波速剖面之推求上。
- According to the change of temperature profile at the centre of the pot, the changing tendency of the level can be judged, and a procedure for remedying deteriorating operation is also described. 玻璃固化的工艺方法很多,其中设备简单、操作容易、需远距离维修少的方法是罐式法。罐式法的主要工艺设备是固化罐。