- On the contrary, there appears a low value anomaly of soil-natural thermoluminescence above the uranium ore deposit and a high value anomaly above the non-ore area at sandstone type uranium deposit. 在砂岩型铀矿床正上方热释光法测量为低值异常,而在矿体的周围出现高值异常。
- The deep origin of ore forming is a new theory for prospcting in situ leachable sandstone type uranium. 深源成矿论是可地浸砂岩型铀矿地质找矿的一种新思路,在松辽盆地南部铀矿勘查中得到了较好的应用。
- Sandstone type uranium deposits in interlayer oxidation zone usually are large or superlarge and in-situ leachable. 层间氧化带砂岩型铀矿往往形成可地浸的大型和超大型铀矿床。
- The carbonate of host bed aquifer has great influence on sandstone type uranium deposit of in-situ leaching. 含矿含水层中的碳酸盐对砂岩型铀矿床的地浸开采影响较大。
- Recently it is urgently needed to formulate exploration standards for in situ leachable sandstone type uranium deposits with the emphasis to solv... 文章还重点探讨了可地浸开采的砂岩型铀矿储量计算中的工业指标、计算方法、块段划分、矿体圈定、特高值处理等问题。
- Results Show the geology feature, main metallogenic models and its evolution connections of sandstone type uranium deposit in all the world. 结果研究总结得出了世界主要国家砂岩型铀矿的地质特征、主要的产铀盆地模式及其演化。
- job posting 公开招聘,招聘公告
- This paper makes analysis on the evidence of the deep-large fault and elaborates its affection to the mineralization of potential sandstone type uranium deposit. 文章通过对钻孔编录资料和物化探实测数据的分析,探究了深大断裂存在的证据,阐述了其对砂岩型铀矿成矿的影响。
- It is concluded that the technique can fortify the method of quantitative predication for sandstone type uranium deposits,and it could be used as a new technique in China. 本文系统地介绍了俄罗斯砂岩型铀矿成矿定量预测技术的基本原理及建立矿床物理-数学模型、成矿预测等关键技术,并在潮水盆地大红山地区进行了成矿预测应用。
- It is a real challenge for prospecting for such uranium deposit because most paleochannel sandstone type uranium deposits occur as “blind” ones without indication at surface. 由于其多以隐伏盲矿形式产出,给勘查工作带来了挑战。
- Anomaly over in-situ leachable sandstone type uranium deposit appears rather weak due to the thick cover, therefore, prospecting in this area is extremely difficult. 可地浸砂岩型铀矿床由于其上覆盖层较厚,地表异常信息十分微弱,找矿难度相当大。
- Keywords sandstone type uranium deposits delineation of ore body radioisotope; 砂岩铀矿;定位条件;放射性同位素;
- The paleochannel sandstone type uranium deposit which can be exploitated by low cost in situ leach technology is one of the most economic and competitive uranium resources in recent uranium industry. 可采用低成本、原地浸出工艺开采的古河道砂岩型铀矿是当今铀工业中最具经济价值和竞争力的铀资源之一。
- The discussion on the relationships of tectonic evolution and sandstone type uranium mineralization is useful for Uranium prospecting in Meso-cenozoic basins in middle Tianshan mountain. 该区是铀成矿的有利地段,构造演化与砂岩型铀成矿关系的分析对天山中部中新生代盆地铀矿找矿具有借鉴意义。
- Some show of ore in Dongsheng sandstone type uranium deposit and prospecting signifeance in Ordos basin, Inner Mongolia 内蒙古东胜砂岩型铀矿后生成矿与油气关系
- sandstone type uranium mineralization 砂岩型铀矿化
- Sandstone Type Uranium Deposits Forming 砂岩型铀成矿
- In-situ leachable sandstone type uranium deposit 可地浸沙岩型铀矿
- leachable sandstone type uranium deposit 可地浸砂岩型铀矿