- Sandy soil is sterile 沙土瘠薄
- If, however, the soil is sterile, how can marriage make it bear fruit? 然而,如果土壤是贫瘠的,婚姻如何能使它产生果实呢?
- The soil is classified to tidal sandy soil, derived from river alluvium with sandy loam texture. 土壤分类为河流冲积土发育的潮汐沙土,砂壤土质地。
- When in lower level shop sandy soil top cover bottom putty situation, the best the proportion of bottom putty to sandy soil is 3:7. 当下层铺沙土上层覆盖底泥情况下,底泥与沙土比例在3:7时最佳。
- Using the theory of Terzaghi s relation soil pressure,the limited support pressure formula with tunnel face in stratified sandy soil is . 采用太沙基松动土压力理论,根据滑动块的整体受力平衡,推导出砂性土中考虑成层土的开挖面最小支护压力计算公式。
- Studies on the acidic buffering capacbility in different texture types in Xinxiang area, showed that acidic buffering capacities of clay soil is larger than sandy soil. 摘要对新乡潮土区不同质地类型土壤酸缓冲性能的研究表明,粘土的缓冲能力最强,砂土的缓冲能力最弱。
- Water is straining through the sandy soil. 水正从沙土中渗出。
- Here the grass ended and there was a loose sandy soil under foot. 这儿草到了尽头,脚下是松软件的沙土。
- The soil is too dry for planting. 土太干了,不能种东西。
- She cannot bear children because she is sterile. 她患了不育症,所以不能生孩子。
- The water leakage amount of Aeolian sandy soil is more than that of yellow fluvo-aquic soils, reaching 34.3 cm and 22.7 cm, respectively, about 42.1% and 74.6% of total water irrigated. 全耕作年风沙土的土壤水渗漏大于黄潮土;分别为34.;3cm和22
- The soil is adaptable to the growth of peanuts. 这土壤适宜於花生的生长。
- "Basically, none of the food we eat is sterile. 基本上,我们吃的食物没有一样是无菌的。
- The soil is enriched with nitrates. 土壤里施了硝酸盐肥料。
- Cantaloup is a large fruit, and it grows on sandy soil. 香瓜是一种大型的水果,而它生长在沙土上。
- Water filters through sandy soil and into the well. 水滤过沙土流入井内。
- Watermelons grow better in the sandy soil. 西瓜在沙土里长得好。
- This gravelly soil is well drained and good for growing root crops. 这沙土地利於排水,适於种植块根作物。
- Some plants thrive in damp, sandy soil. 某些植物在湿润的砂质土壤中生长茂盛。
- The soil is firming up now that the weather is drier. 随着天气一天天干燥,土地越来越坚硬。