- Santa Barbara Statement 圣巴巴拉声明
- Could you tell me how to get to Santa Barbara? 你可不可以告诉我怎么到圣大巴巴拉?
- Santa Barbara and San Francisco. 圣巴巴拉和旧金山的。
- Niko: I'll stay at my host family's house in Santa Barbara. 我将住圣巴巴拉我一个宿主的家里。
- Asks biochemist Herbert Waite OF the University of California,Santa Barbara. 美国加州大学圣巴巴拉分校生物化学家赫伯特*韦特问。
- The diciest part of Santa Barbara's economy is the tourism business. Santa Barbara郡经济最重要的部分是旅游业。
- The blaze's already destroyed more than 100 homes in Santa Barbara County. 在圣塔芭芭拉郡,大火已经破坏掉至少100所民房。
- In 2000 Joseph Polchinski of the University of California, Santa Barbara, and Raphael Bousso, now at U.C. 2000年,美国加州大学圣巴巴拉分校的普金斯基和同大学柏克莱分校的布索以弦论的图像提出了一个构想。
- Zeus is made by Computer Motion of Santa Barbara, California, which also sells Aesop. 宙斯是由加州圣 - 巴巴拉计算机运动研究所制造的。 这家公司也出售机器人伊索。
- Their wedding ceremony took place at the San Ysidro Ranch in Santa Barbara on August 31st,1940,with Katharine Hepburn as the maid of honour. 一九四零年八月三十一日,他们的婚礼在圣巴巴拉的圣伊斯底罗兰奇教堂举行,并荣幸地邀请到凯特琳·赫本为伴娘。
- Mr. Lattin holds a BSEE and an MSEE from Stanford University and UC Santa Barbara respectively. Lattin先生拥有斯坦福大学的BSEE(计算机工程学士学位)及加州圣巴巴拉大学的MSEE(电子工程硕士学位)。
- In California, it will be that fertile crescent of asphalt and neon that stretches from Santa Barbara to San Diego. 而在加利福尼亚,由柏油路和霓虹灯构成的繁华的新月状地带将从圣巴巴拉一直伸展到圣叠戈。
- My sculpture illustrates the syncretism of Chang o and Santa Barbara in the popular Afro-Cuban Santeria religion. 我的雕塑品展现的是通俗的非洲古巴宗教中,彰葛神和圣芭芭拉的融合感。
- On an airport shuttle bus to the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics in Santa Barbara, Calif. 魏金斯坐在机场的接驳巴士里,准备前往卡维里理论物理研究所演讲。
- JOSEPH POLCHINSKI's and RAPHAEL BOUSSO work together began at a workshop on string duality in Santa Barbara. 普金斯基与布索的合作始于在美国圣巴巴拉举办探讨弦对偶性的工作坊。
- His plays have been produced to critical acclaim in Chicago, Los Angeles, Amherst and Santa Barbara, California. 他的剧本已经在芝加哥,洛杉矶,阿默斯特和圣芭芭拉,加州等地开拍。
- Kristin Hahn said: “Eight of us shacked up in one hotel room in Santa Barbara for three days. 克莉丝汀.;哈恩:“在美国加州的圣巴巴拉市,我们八个朋友有3天的时间都就一同住在饭店的一个房间里。
- In November 2003, Jackson was booked on multiple counts of child molestation in Santa Barbara, Calif. 2003年11月,杰克逊在加州圣塔芭芭拉接受多项娈童指控。
- RAPHAEL BOUSSO and JOSEPH POLCHINSKI's work together began at a workshop on string duality in Santa Barbara. 布索与普金斯基的合作始于在美国圣巴巴拉举办探讨弦对偶性的工作坊。
- I had a great time on the West coast recently with stops in Santa Barbara and Palo Alto. 最近我在西海岸的圣塔芭芭拉和帕洛阿尔托度过了一段愉快的时光。