- Sao Jose do Rio Preto 普雷图河畔圣若泽
- Sao Jose dos Campos 圣若泽-杜斯坎普斯
- Foto na Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas - Zona Sul do Rio de Janeiro. 里约热内卢罗德里戈图片 Rio de Janeiro - Lagoa Rodrigo.
- A typical, recent case was the plea for a Coca-Cola bottling agreement filed by a Brazilian named Paulo Pereira Ignacio, who wanted to open a Coca-Cola plant in the town of Rio Preto (pop. 23,972). 最近一个典型的案例是,一个名叫保罗.;佩雷拉
- He holds a Master of Science degree in Systems Engineering from Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. 他从巴西Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro获得系统工程硕士学位。
- We also must pay tribute to the great job Jose did for Chelsea. 我们亦必须向何塞为切尔西所作的贡献致敬。
- Farmers began harvesting soybeans in Lucas do Rio Verde, Sorriso and Sapezal in Mato Grosso a couple of weeks ago. 马托格罗索州的卢萨多里瓦多、索里索、塞普扎尔等地两三周前就已经开始收割大豆了。
- A combination of the two miners would have been bigger than Companhia Vale do Rio Doce, the world's largest iron ore miner. 二者一旦合并规模将超过全球最大的矿石生产商巴西淡水河谷。
- April 28, Vale do Rio Doce, president of China, Zhu had to give up the first of this year expressed the attitude of pricing power. 4月28日,巴西淡水河谷中国区总裁朱凯曾表达过今年放弃首发定价权的态度。
- Vale do Rio Doce, boosting the fortunes of big mining firms at the expense of steel producers and their customers world-wide. 分析人士预计,在未来几周中,中国及其他国家和地区的钢铁企业达成的铁矿石采购价格会与此相当,甚至更高。
- Vale do Rio Doce paced a decline in raw-materials producers after Itau Corretora said a fall in prices for iron ore cheongsam to China. 面对性知识目不暇接的诱惑与危险,越来越多的中国人开始感到无所适从。他们是在普及性知识、进行性教育?还是在解惑的同时也在传播谬误?
- Liaocheng seamless enterprise experts said: At present, the world's largest mining giant Vale do Rio Doce has not made the declaration of acceptance. 聊城无缝管企业相关专家称:目前,全球最大矿业巨头巴西淡水河谷还没有发表接受声明。
- Cia.Vale do Rio Doce paced a decline in raw-materials producers after Itau Corretora said a fall in prices for iron ore PLUS SIZE DRESSES to China. 但由于电力网络工程环境的复杂,很多的电力机房都处于位置十分偏远、环境十分恶烈的地区,如果采用有线的方式进行监控其布线成本将十分高昂。
- Vale do Rio Doce paced a decline in raw-materials producers after Itau Corretora said a fall in prices for iron ore Clothing exporter to China. 事实上,男人同女人一样,做爱前需要前奏。
- Companhia Vale do Rio Doce (CVRD), privatised in 1997, last year became the world's second-largest mining company when it acquired Inco, a Canadian nickel producer. CVRD在1997年成为私人企业,去年它收购了加拿大的镍生产商Inco公司,从而成为了世界上第二大的矿业公司。
- Sun Yufeng: I have heard, Vale do Rio Doce, Australia BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto mining company for the three negotiating pricing mechanism has significant differences. 孙玉峰:我也听说了,巴西淡水河谷、澳大利亚必和必拓、力拓三大矿山公司对于谈判定价机制已产生明显分歧。
- The site is the Brucutu iron ore mine operated by Companhia Vale do Rio Doce (CVRD), the Brazilian company that is the world's biggest supplier of iron ore. 庞大的黄色翻斗卡车每天24小时不停穿梭,以提高矿山产量。这个投资11亿美元开发的项目,上个月正式投产。
- "Gary Neville meets up with England on Monday as does Rio Ferdinand," confirmed Sir Alex after the Sevilla match. 与塞维利亚的比赛结束后,爵爷正式加里和里奥将于周一到国家队报到。
- The move is aimed at creating a more balanced force in negotiations with foreign miners including Brazil's Companhia Vale do Rio Doce and Anglo-Australian groups Rio Tinto Ltd and BHP Billiton Ltd. 这项动意的目的是在谈判中平衡海外矿工的力量,这其中包括巴西淡水河谷公司和英澳力拓有限公司以及必和必拓有限公司。
- Again on a "suspected price", it is the first half of this year, nearly 40 small and medium-sized steel enterprises in China jointly with the Vale do Rio Doce signed a "long ADPL price. 再上一次“疑似价格”,则是今年上半年近40家中国中小钢企联合与巴西淡水河谷签订的“长协价”。