- Sao Tome and Principe by nearly half. 圣多美和普林西比民主共和国下降了将近一半。
- In 1485 Sao Tome was made a concession of Joao de Paiva. 圣多美和普林西比主要居住着欧洲人和非洲奴隶。
- In 1493, 2000 Jewish children were taken to Sao Tome to populate the islands. 圣多美和普林西比过去一直是葡萄牙殖民地。
- Bloc 1 is situated in the joint oil exploration area of Sao Tome and Principe and Nigeria. 1号区块位于圣普和尼日利亚的共同开采区。
- Madagascar has cut its rate by forty-one percent; Sao Tome and Principe by nearly half. 马达加斯加将儿童死亡率减杀了41%25,圣多美和普林西比减少了将近一半。
- Move the map layer below the feathered white eye lid layer. 将地图图层拖到眼球图层的下面。
- Sao Tome has also said it is seeking a pardon for its US$300 million foreign debt. 圣普还说,希望能够减免其3亿美元的外债。
- The figure represents around half of the external aid the Sao Tome government expected to garner as a result of the meeting. 该数字是圣普政府希望通过此次会议获得外来援助的一半。
- Madagascar had cut its rate by 41%, S and P (Sao Tome and Principe) by nearly half. 马达加斯加将其比例降低了41%25,圣多美及普林西比降了近一半。
- Single-semidouble pale blue pansy/variable creamy white eye, yellow streaks. 单瓣到半重瓣浅蓝色堇型花,变异时有奶油白的眼,黄色线条。
- Profit will be shared between the two countries, with Nigeria netting 60% and 40% going to Sao Tome and Principe. 共同开发区开发石油所取得的收入中,60%25归尼日利亚,40%25归圣普。
- The IMF also forecasts that Sao Tome's economic growth will increase to 4.5% in 2006 and 5.5% in 2007. 货币基金组织还预计,圣普2006年的经济增长为4.;5%25,2007年为5
- Relations with China: July 12, 1975, Sao Tome and Principe established diplomatic relations with China. 与中国关系:1975年7月12日,圣多美和普林西比同中国建交。
- Great horns jut out above its solid white eyes. 巨大的角和触须在他谨慎的白眼睛上方伸出。
- July 12, 1975, Shengpu declared independence, the country called the Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe. 1975年7月12日,圣普宣告独立,定国名为圣多美和普林西比民主共和国。
- Area of 1,001 square kilometers (859 square km island of Sao Tome and Principe island of 142 square kilometers). 面积1001平方公里(圣多美岛859平方公里,普林西比岛142平方公里)。
- Menezes announced on August 22 that Sao Tome and Principe has reached an agreement with United States for the construction of a U.S. naval base. 德梅内塞斯曾在今年8月22日宣布,圣多美和普林西比已经与美国就建立美海军基地一事达成协议。
- Single-semidouble pale blue pansy/variable creamy white eye, yellow streaks. Dark green, serrated. Large. 单瓣到半重瓣浅蓝色堇型花,变异时有奶油白的眼,黄色线条。深绿色叶有锯齿叶缘。大型。
- According to United Nations figures, over half of Sao Tome's population lives below the poverty line and 15% in extreme poverty. 根据联合国的数字,一半以上的圣普人口处于贫困线以下,15%25属于赤贫。
- With a white eye stripe extends back above the ears feather crest, the Aedes ears following black feathers, at the moment there was a white spot. 眼后有一道白色条纹向后延伸至耳羽上方的羽冠处,白纹下面的耳羽为黑色,眼下有一块白斑。