- Sarah Meyersn. 莎拉·梅耶斯;线上视频记者;关注网络名人这种新的文化现象
- Sarah has been enlisted to organize the party. 萨拉已应邀组织这一聚会。
- Sarah had words with her brother this morning. 今天上午赛拉与她兄弟吵过嘴。
- Sarah likes to lavender her handkerchief. 赛拉喜欢用薰衣草薰香她的手帕。
- Sarah is ever such a nice girl, who is careful of her reputation. 萨拉是位很注意自己名声的、行为非常端庄的姑娘。
- Mr. Meyers will appreciate being help. 迈耶先生将感谢所有的帮助。
- Sarah was muttering away to herself as she did the washing-up. 萨拉一边洗碗碟一边独自咕哝个没完。
- All this gossip about Sarah her ears must be burning! 都在说萨拉的闲话--她耳朵一定发烧了!
- Are you Ralph Meyers from National Fixtures? 请问你是从国家装置公司来的雷夫·梅耶史先生吗?
- Now Sarah was listening at the opening of the tent;and he was close beside it. 撒拉这时正在帐篷门口听着,而陌生人就坐在离门不远的地方。
- Hello, Sarah! Welcome back to London! 你好,萨拉!欢迎回到伦敦来!
- Old Meyers liked him and gave him tips. 老迈耶斯喜欢他,常常透露给他一些秘密消息。
- Honey, i didn't share katie meyers, . 亲爱的 我没跟他共享Katie Meyers。
- Meyers, John Rogerson, Amy-jill Levine, Anthony J. 放大图片 作者: Howard Clark Kee; Eric M.
- M.Forster, with an introduction by Jeffrey Meyers. 题名项 24514%24aThe Longest journey /%24cby E.
- The Lord said to Abraham, Why did Sarah laugh? 天主对亚伯拉罕说:“撒拉这什么要笑?”
- Meyer Sedge fiber is a new type of green fiber. 乌拉草纤维是一种新型的绿色环保纤维。
- Sarah Whittle: A little rain never hurt anybody! 莎拉:一点小雨是不可能伤到人的!
- Sarah and I politely ignored her brother. 萨拉和我没再理会她哥哥。
- "Why does it do this?" Sarah asked. 萨拉问:"蛇为什么要蜕皮?