- Satisfy their needs and wants 满足他们的需求
- Some students and young workers are creating disturbances because they think the state had done too little to satisfy their needs and has been unfair to them. 有些青年学生、青年工人闹事,就是因为总觉得国家给他们的太少了,不能满足他们的要求,国家对不起他们。
- Detailed analysis of your customer data will provide you insight into their needs and wants. 详细分析客户数据提供您洞察他们的需求和要求。
- We are reading letters from our people everyday and we are doing our best to satisfy their needs. 我们天天都在看人民来信,研究怎样满足他们的愿望,实现他们的要求。
- Setting sail for new horizons: what tools do we need and want? 向新的地平线起航:我们需要以及想要什么工具?
- In order to develop agriculture, the ancient people destroyed forest or burned vegetation for farmland and constantly cut down trees to satisfy their needs of production and living. 为了大力发展农业,古代的先民们大面积的开荒、毁林,以为农田之用,并且还不断的砍伐林木以满足生产生活的需要。
- It causes the population to look upon those in authority as a pack of parasites whose exclusive concern is with the gratification of their private needs and wants. 这使得广大人民认为,当权者是一群只想满足个人私欲的寄生虫。
- Class structure and relationships between class structure, equality, and inequality and how this affected the way people satisfied their needs. 社会阶层及其成员之间的平等和不平等关系在人们满足其需求的过程中施加了何等的影响。
- This junk store serves the people By supplying and regulating their needs and demands. 本调剂商店互通有无,调剂余缺,为民服务。
- The community needs to be aware of the existence of its blind citizens, of their needs and capabilities. 社会需要意识到盲人成员的存在,关注他们的需要和能力。
- Therefore, Ether always provides a modern work environment and humanistic management to fulfill the needs and wants of employees. 因此,在以太,每位员工都能享受到现代的办公环境以及充满人文主义的管理,充分满足每位员工的要求与需要。
- Make contact with each decision maker personally to address their needs and interests. 亲自联系每个决策者商讨他的商业需求及兴趣。
- Idleness and luxury bring forth poverty and want. 懒惰和奢侈导致穷困和贪欲。
- Education should be geared to the children's needs and abilities. 教育应适应儿童的需要和能力。
- They send us a list of their needs and we try to match it with the resource we have in stock. 他们给我们送来他们所需物资的清单,我们则努力用我们储备的资源去满足他们。
- The process of analyzing customer information to gather insight into new or enhanced products that would meet evolving needs and wants. 分析顾客信息的过程,以把大家的智慧应用于新产品或增强产品,满足日益增长的需求和需要。
- Firms are afforded the flexibility to select equipment that best satisfies their particular needs and that is capable of meeting the relevant CGMP requirements. 生产企业可以随意的选择生产设备只要是能满足制备需要和达到CGMP的要求。
- Identify and profile distinct groups of buyers who differ in their needs and preferences (market segmentation). 确定有若干不同需要和偏好的购买者群体,并描述他们的轮廓(市场细分)。
- They really believe in and want self-government. 他们真的相信并要求自治。
- Based on applicability of each type of TBM, users can select appropriate TBMs to meet their needs and geological conditions. 使用者可根据地质条件及特殊需要对隧道掘进机进行初步的选型。