- Sauris interruptarian. 间三叶尺蛾
- In one classroom of a school in the western district of Sauri, two-thirds of the children are AIDS orphans. 据了解,在萨乌日西部地区一个学校的教室里,三分之二的孩子都因携带艾滋病而成为孤儿。
- Veterans of the aid world tend to doubt whether the locals, even with state help, will be able to keep Sauri successful. 但是援助团的一些深资专家却疑虑地方政府在州治的帮助下是否有能力来完成萨乌里的扶贫事业。
- The early results of Kenya's prototype village, in Sauri in western Kenya, where two-thirds of the people, Luos, live on less than $1 a day, are astonishing. 他们在肯尼亚西部的萨乌里的一个模范村落里进行了试验,那里住着的三分之二的罗部落人民每天花销还不到1美元,而初期试验结果让人惊喜不已。
- subsp. interruptarian. 四川亚种
- Saurisn. 三叶尺蛾属
- sauris hirudinatan. 蛭三叶尺蛾
- sauris inscissan. 荫三叶尺蛾
- Sauris remodesarian. 桨三叶尺蛾
- Sauris angulosan. 角三叶尺蛾
- Sauris angustifasciatan. 狭带三叶尺蛾
- Saurin. 绍里(在尼日利亚;东经 6º45' 北纬 11º42')