- Scented tea of carnation 康乃馨花茶
- With scented tea of midge of inapproachable card report harmful to the baby? 用无敌牌电蚊香片对婴儿有害吗?
- Also some joins it jasmine flower, make technology by scented tea basement, basement makes scented tea of jasmine of thorn slender acanthopanax. 也有的将它加入茉莉鲜花,按花茶窨制工艺,窨制成刺五加茉莉花茶。
- And fluid of scented tea of mosquito-repellent incense, midge, mosquito-repellent incense is scientific proof can have effect. 而蚊香、蚊香片、蚊香液等都是科学证明能起到作用的。
- The scented tea smells of flowers. 花茶有花的香气。
- I send her a bunch of carnation. 予恶乎知夫死者不悔其始之蕲生乎?
- This is the lidded-cup tea of the Qing Dynasty. 这就是清代的盖碗茶。
- Because how choose honey and chrysanthemum scented tea? 因怎么挑选蜂蜜和菊花茶?
- Allan sold tea of a kind last Sunday. 上星期日艾伦卖劣质茶叶
- Scented tea, lets the light nocturne like tassels fill the air. 品一口香茗,让淡淡的夜曲如流苏般弥漫。
- Tea of good quality can stand any critical sipping. 好茶不怕细品。
- Wulingyuan Scenic Area "lobster scented tea," tea is also unique. 武陵源风景区的“龙虾花茶”也是独具特色的名茶。
- It's the first cup of tea of the morning. 这是早间的第一杯茶。
- Scented tea is made by adding fragrant flowers to high-quality green tea. 香片是由高级绿茶加香花制成的。
- Tea of different brands are packaged in well-designed sachets. 不同牌子的茶被包装成精心设计的小包。
- It's not my cup of tea. It's the cup of tea of 15-year-old boys. 这我没兴趣,这是15岁的男孩子喜欢的游戏。如果你的朋友对你说
- I want to buy some jasmine tea of high quality to bring back home. 我要买点高级的茉莉花茶带回家。
- I'll give her a bunch of carnations. 我要送给她一束康乃馨。
- The evening's wind weeps in the scent of carnations. 在康乃馨的气味中夜晚的风抽泣。
- Yes,it is. And the scented tea smells of flowers,such as jasmine tea and plum tea. 是的。花茶有花香,比如说茉莉花茶和梅花茶。