- Belgian Journal of Banking and Finance. 比利时金融银行杂志。
- School of Banking and Finance 财经学校
- Didier Cossin is the UBS Professor of Banking and Finance at IMD, the leading global business school based in Lausanne, Switzerland (www.imd.ch). 为什么这些错误普遍存在于大银行的管理层中?财务激励、缺乏真诚还是仅仅因为愚蠢?我们将在下一篇文章中探讨原因所在。
- Learn more complex language and skills used in a variety of banking and finance contexts. 学习将复合的用语与技巧应用在银行及金融业。
- F.Allen,A.M.Santomero . The Theory of Financial Intermediation [J] . Journal of Banking and Finance . 1997 . 周立.;金融发展促进经济增长的理论综述[J]
- Martin D..Early warning of bank failure:A logit regression approach[J].Journal of Banking and Finance,1977,1:249-276. 张玲.;财务危机预警分析判别模型[J]
- Dietsch,M.,J.Petey,(2002).The credit risk in SME loans portfolio:modeling issues,pricing and capital requirements[J].Journal of banking and Finance,26,303-322. 广义的银行贷款定价包括贷款利率的确定与贷款价值的决定;后者是贷款证券化过程中;贷款在二级市场交易的价值.;本文仅探讨狭义的银行贷款定价;即贷款利率的确定
- Berger and Udell,The Economics of Smal Business Finance:the roles of private equity and debt markets in the financial growth cycle,Journal of Banking and Finance,1998,22. 张捷:结构转型期的中小企业金融研究--理论、实证与国际比较;经济科学出版社;2003年版.
- Angelini ,p.,, Disalvo, R. and Feffi, G: "Availability and Cost for Small Business: Customer Relationships and Credit Cooperatives"Journal of Banking and Finance, vol. 22. 中国人民大学风险投资发展研究中心.;我国中小企业融资结构与融资渠道分析
- Gross,R and Trevino,L.J,(1996),"Foreign Direct Investment in the United States:Analysis by Country of Origin,"Journal of Banking and Finance,vol.27,pp.139-156. 根据林彩梅(1997)研究显示:多国籍企业之技术移转有助于被投资国之经济发展;但亦可能因技术独占而阻碍地主国经济发展.
- We are also justifiably proud of our students, many of whom have gone on to publish in important international journals such as the Journal of Banking and Finance, and the Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. 我们也有理由为我们的学生而自豪,他们中的多数已经在国际性专业期刊上发表论文,例如:银行与金融期刊、货币期刊、信用与银行期刊。
- Angelini, P., Di Salvo, R., and Ferry, G. (1998),Availability and cost of credit for small businesses:Customer relationships and credit cooperatives[J], Journal of Banking and Finance 22, 925-954. 将关系贷款定义为在全面、细致的银企关系基础上;利用银行与中小企业之间的长期合作关系;最大程度地减少中小企业借贷款风险的一种借贷协议.
- Bougheas S,Mizen P,Yalcin C.Access to Extemal Finance:Theory and Evidence on the Impact of Monetary Policy and Firm-specific Characteristics[J].Joumal of Banking and Finance,2005,30(1). 国务院发展研究中心金融研究所货币政策传导机制研究组.;中国银行体系贷款供给的决定及其对经济波动的影响[J]
- Allen N.Berger, Leora, F.Klapper, Gregory,F.Udell.The Ability of Banks to Lending to Informationally Opaque Small Business[J].Journal of Banking and Finance ,2001. 本文所指的地方中小金融机构主要包括城市商业银行、城市信用合作社、农村信用合作社、农村商业银行以及中小信托投资公司、中小担保公司等地方中小非银行金融机构.
- Provide the consultations in terms of bank and legal affairs. 提供银行及法律等方面的咨询。
- Department of Banking and Finance 财务金融学系
- To prepare the G/L of bank and cash to Financial department. 为财务部准备现金以及银行总帐.
- He graduated from a school of crafts and arts. 他毕业于一所工艺美术学校。
- Journal of Banking and Finance Law and Practice 银行与金融法律与实践杂志
- In the increasingly competitive and fast-changing business of banking and finance services, banks are seeking to bring new value-added services to their customers such as cash bonus point. 银行及金融服务竞争激烈,业内情况瞬息万变,各银行均希望为客户提供增值服务,如现金奖赏积分等。