- Creates a Scout Tower at a target location. 在目标地区制造一个侦察塔楼。
- Scout Tower repair rate changed from 12 to 20. 侦查塔的修理比率从12升为20。
- The scout spurred on to the destination. 侦察员向目的地疾驰而去。
- The bell tower is the emblem of this city. 这座钟楼是这个城市的象征。
- There is a sonorous bell in the tower. 塔里有一口洪亮的钟。
- The tower on the hill brooded above the village. 小山上的塔楼俯视着那个村庄。
- He had a scout around to see what he could find. 他四处搜寻看看能找到些什么。
- He saw the tower in relief against the sky. 他看到那塔耸立在空中,轮廓十分鲜明。
- Three planes were sent up to scout. 派出三架飞机侦察。
- The top of the castle tower has been shot off. 城堡塔楼的顶部已被炸掉了。
- They were chosen to scout the trail. 他们被选去探路。
- The scout reported the enemy truck movements. 侦察员报告有关敌人卡车活动的情况。
- The steam tug takes canal boats and barges in tow. 驳船后面拖着小艇和平底船。
- Several soldiers went before to scout. 数名士兵在前面探路。
- How does that tall tower stop up? 那座高塔是怎样竖着不倒的?
- The tower was visible from afar. 从远处就能望到那座塔。
- Have you seen the hill whereon a tower is standing? 你看到耸立着一座塔的那座小山了吗?
- The tower rises steeply from the flat ground. 那座塔陡峭地自平地耸起。
- Has the tower been topped off yet? 塔楼举行封顶仪式了吗?
- The tower stood amidst the ruins. 塔矗立在废墟中。