- Scratching Head to Ask Hearen 搔首问天
- It did enter his head to ask her why. 他的确想到过要她说明原因。
- I had to scratch my head to remember his name. 我只想苦苦地回忆他的名字。
- If you think that your captain is giving the wrong orders,you may have to go above his head to his commanding officer,to ask what should be done. 你如果认为上尉的命令错了,可以越级向他的指挥官请示应该怎么办。
- If you think that your captain is giving wrong orders,you may have to go over his head to his commanding officer,to ask what should be done. 你如果认为上尉下的命令错了,可以越级向他的指挥官请示应该怎么办。
- The deer lowered its head to drink from the pond. 鹿低下头去喝池塘里的水。
- If you think that your captain is giving the wrong orders, you may have to go above his head to his commanding officer, to ask what should be done. 你如果认为上尉的命令错了,可以越级向他的指挥官请示应该怎么办。
- If you think that your captain is giving wrong orders, you may have to go over his head to his commanding officer, to ask what should be done. 你如果认为上尉下的命令错了,可以越级向他的指挥官请示应该怎么办。
- We hope that the colleagues who head to get their visas could help us to ask for the propagandistic files on the following two projects. 翻译:我们需要请前往办理签证的同事帮忙索取以下两个项目的宣传资料。
- He went to the station to ask about the trains. 他到火车站却了解火车情况。
- He was wet from head to foot from the shower. 他被雨浇得全身湿透。
- It galled him to have to ask for a loan. 必须向人借钱使他感到羞辱。
- He's too spineless to ask for more money. 他没有勇气要求更多的钱。
- She ducked her head to avoid being hit. 她迅速低下头避免被击中。
- He took it into his head to become a politician. 他突然想到要成为一个政治家。
- I have it in mind to ask her advice when I see her. 我打算见到她时徵求她的意见。
- I'd like to ask a question if I may. 如果可以的话,我想提一个问题。
- He went up to her to ask her for a dance. 他走到她跟前,请她跳个舞。
- Put your hand up if you want to ask a question. 若要提问题就把手举起来。
- It costs about $12 a head to eat here. 这里吃饭一个人大约要花十二元。