- Scrubbed Out - Deleted Scenes 删除场景
- The spilt ink won't scrub out easily. 泼出的墨水不容易擦洗掉。
- He scrubbed out the pans and left them to drain. 他把锅刷干净,放在那儿晾着。
- The antiaircraft manoeuvres have been scrubbed out. 防空演习已取消了。
- Special features of the DVD include deleted scenes and outtakes. DVD的特别花絮包括被删减的镜头和剪余片段等.
- Scrub out the last name;he's not a member any more. 把最后一个名字划掉,他不再是一名成员了。
- He scrubbed out those offensive words in her article. 他把她文章中的无礼的词划掉了。
- Scrub out the last name; he's not a member any more. 把最后一个名字划掉,他不再是一名成员了。
- We've scrubbed out event 1,move on to the next event. 我们已取消第一个比赛项目,现在开始第二个比赛项目吧。
- He managed to scrub out the dirty marks on the table. 他设法把桌上的污迹擦掉了。
- A featurette "Tales From the Cutting Room," in which exclusive deleted scenes and footage is revealed for the first time. “来自电影剪接室的补遗”特辑,高级删除场景和第一时间透露脚本。
- The DVD will be released in both countries on the same date, July 3, 2007. Special features of the DVD include deleted scenes and outtakes. 这DVD将会在2007年7月3日在美国和加拿大同时开始发售.;DVD的特别花絮包括被删减的镜头和剪余片段等
- It took them a lot of time to scrub out the pots and pans. 擦干净炊具花费掉他们许多时间。
- The whole exercise has been scrubbed out; you win receive fresh orders shortly. 整个操练已取消,不久你会接到新的命令。
- They started scrubbing out the bathroom. 他们动手洗刷洗澡间。
- They started scrubbing out the room. 他们动手洗刷那个房间。
- Storyboard Pitch of deleted Scenes 被删剪镜头的情节串连图板
- That oil mark has been on the cloth for so long that I doubt if it will scrub out. 这个油点在布上已有很长时间了、我真不知道还能否洗净。
- Deleted scenes with optional filmmaker commentary 带电影摄制者评论的删除场景
- You might think that technology could provide a simulacrum of nature with all the bad parts scrubbed out. 你也许会认为,技术手段可以提供一个所有不好的部分均被清除掉的大自然的模拟器。