- Sedum fischerin. 小景天
- Sedum aizoon L.var.glabrifolium Kitag. 乳毛景天三七
- Pharmacognostical Study on Sedum aizoon L. 养心草的生药学研究。
- General research of Sedum aizoon L. 景天三七的现代研究进展。
- New taxa of Sedum from Hengduanshan in China. 中国横断山景天属新分类群.
- Revision of the section Oreades on Chinese Sedum. 中国景天属山景天组的修订.
- Chuhsingianum, a new subgenus of Sedum from China. 中国景天属一新亚属 -- 楚雄亚属.
- The corpus striatum of Onychodactylus fischeri is paleostriatum. 爪鲵的纹状体属于古纹状体。
- Study on the Chemical Constituents of Sedum aizoon L. 救心草的化学成分研究。
- The facilities' roof is lined with plants such as sedum. 该设施的屋顶是一条植物如垂。
- Sedum plumbizincicola X. H. Guo et S. B. Zhou sp. nov. 伴矿景天
- Stimulate the hair to be toughness, balance the perspire the sedum. 平衡皮脂分泌,健胸丰胸,刺激、强健头皮,护发、生发。
- An analysis of local populations of the Sedum sarmentosum Bunge complex. 垂盆草种宗若干地方性群体的分析.
- New taxa of subgenus Sedum and a new combination of Hylotelephium from China. 文章题目 中国景天亚属的新分类群和八宝属一新组合.
- Method HE-staining method was used to describe the characters of the telencephalon of Onychodactylus fischeri. 方法 采用脊椎动物神经标本制作技术和常规HE染色法。
- The terpenoid glycosides are major chemical constituents of the Ligularia fischeri, in addition that monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, peptides et al. 蹄叶橐吾所含化学成分主要是三萜皂甙,此外还含其它萜类、肽类等;
- To study the contents of trace elements and vitamins in wild and cultural Ligularia fischeri and its tender stem at Changbai mountain region. 研究长白山区野生蹄叶橐吾和种植蹄叶橐吾及其嫩茎中维生素和多种微量元素的含量。
- The results showed that Aster.tataricus L.f.and Ligularia fischeri contained rich necessary trace elements and has high medical value. 结果表明:紫菀和山紫菀含有丰富的人体必需的微量元素,具有较高的药用价值。
- Eight trace elements of Aster.tataricus L.f. and Ligularia fischeri were determined with atomic absorption spectrophotometry. 用原子吸收分光光度法测定了紫菀和山紫菀中8种微量元素的含量。
- Chemical constituents isolated from the genus Ligularia fischeri and pharmacological activities related to the compounds from Ligularia fischeri are summarized in this review. 对国内外学者分离到的化学成分及其药理活性的研究结果作一综述,为该属植物资源的进一步研究和开发提供参考。