- The seed number and weight per ear increased by 24.2% and 26.77%,respectively. 单穗粒数和粒重分别比对照增加24.;2%25和26
- The percentage of pod stalk area kept stable. (2) Seed number per pod increased and then decreased as the single pod area increased. (2)每角粒数随角果的增大呈先增后减的趋势,而单个籽粒的体积和每角籽粒总体积则随角果增大逐渐增大。
- The seed number of monocotyledon was higher than that of dicotyledonous, and the seed number of monocotyledon was 6.75 times for that of dicotyledonous. 种子库种子平均发芽率为38.;26%25,且以单子叶种子数量居多,是双子叶数量的6
- The results showed that the species and seed number of soil seed bank showed a decrease pattern with retrogressive succession under different disturbances,such as mowing and grazing. 而极度退化草地物种组成最低;有14种植物;种子数量仅有1156粒;禾本科只占8.;4%25。
- When percentage of seed number was approximately the same, the seed production of steppe plants was the smallest, that of psammophytes was the largest, and that of 'weed' plants was moderate. 而在物种数占总物种数的百分数相近时;草原植物的结种量最小;沙生植物的最大;杂草植物居中.
- He was seeded number 1. 他被定为一号种子选手。
- The mean seed number per pod was 2.94 seeds and 2.4 to 2.64 seeds in the narrow and broad leaf varieties (lines), respectively. 圆叶品系以三、二粒荚为主,平均荚粒数2.;40-2
- The order of the seed yield components to its yield is weight per seed >seed numbers per spikelet >florets per spikelet >spikelets per shoot >shoots. 6个模型中,5个种子产量因子每提高1个单位对其种子产量的提高大小排序为单粒种子重>每小穗种子粒数>每小穗小花数>每生殖枝小穗数>生殖枝数。
- Tony was seeded number two. 汤尼被定为第二号种子选手。
- The chef sprinkle poppy seed on the cake. 厨师往蛋糕上撒罂粟籽。
- He thumbed through the directory to look for her number. 他翻阅电话号码簿找寻她的号码。
- Let me note down your address and telephone number. 让我记下你的地址和电话号码。
- Part of every crop is saved for seed. 每一种庄稼都留一部分作种子。
- He picked a winning number on the first draw. 他第一次便抽到一个中奖号码。
- The number of fish in coastal waters has decreased. 沿海鱼的数量已减少了。
- The farmers were scattering seed on the fields. 农夫把种子撒在田里。
- The number represented by the digit or digits in2. 在释文2。中所说的由一位或几位数字表示的数。
- Bursting apart, as some seed pods when ripe. 爆裂的,如一些荚果成熟时
- The students in our class number thirty. 我班总共有三十名学生。
- Temperature is most important for seed germination. 温度对种子的发芽至关重要。