- Keywords Lumbar Disc Herniation;Selective Nerve Root Block;Sciatica; 腰椎间盘突出症;选择性神经根阻滞;坐骨神经痛;
- Selective Nerve Root Block 选择性神经根阻滞
- Those with disconcordance or without provocative pain performed oxygen-ozone therapy only with nerve root block. 无疼痛感觉的9例患者则只进行硬膜外腔臭氧治疗或神经根阻滞术。
- Lumbar Nerve Root Block 腰脊神经根阻滞
- Arachnoid ligaments fixed nerve root inside dura. 门)网膜韧带在硬膜囊内把神经前后根固定在硬膜侧壁上。
- A comparative experimental study on the treatment outcome of nerve transfer using selective C7 nerve root versus phrenic nerve. 选择性颈7神经根移位与膈神经移位术疗效比较的实验研究。
- Experimental application of auxometric nerve root retractor. 体感诱发电位;
- Ultimately, every pointer page up to the root block might need to be split. 最终,一直到根块的每个指针页可能都需要拆分。
- A depth of 0 indicates that the root block and leaf block are the same. 如果深度为0,指示根块到叶块相同。
- The lumbar vertebral canal and nerve root canals are of osseofib-rous makeup. 指出腰椎管和神经根管是由骨和纤维性软组织共同组成的骨纤维性管道。
- What is nerve root phlogistic? What is medical term? What is main symptom? 什么是神经根炎?医学术语是什么?主要的症状是什么?
- Referred pain is duller and does not relate to a specific nerve root. 根性疼痛是锐痛,典型放散痛可延伸至小腿或足。
- Methods:CT-guided selective injection for nerve root infiltration was performed in 53 patients with intervertebral disc hernia with a mixture of corticosteroid,local anesthetic and normal saline. 方法:在CT引导下选择性神经根注射皮质类固醇、局部麻醉剂、生理盐水等药物混合液,治疗53例腰椎间盘突出症患者,以视觉模拟疼痛评分对患者治疗前后的症状进行评价。
- If the root block needs to be split, an additional level of pages is inserted into the tree. 如果需要拆分根块,则会在树中再插入一个页级别。
- Compression of nerve roots cranial to L4 is uncommon. 压迫腰4神经根相对少见。
- Conclusion: SEPs monitoring of the function of the nerve roots d... 结论:在颈前路椎间孔开放术中,使用SEP监护预防神经根损伤,效果良好。
- It is conceivable that the lens and iris root block may play just as an important role as pupillary block in the angle-closure glaucoma. 因此我们推想对于闭锁性青光眼,除了瞳孔闭锁之外,类似水晶体闭锁、虹彩根闭锁的机转也占有极重要的地位。
- Objective: To provide anatomic data for treatment of thoracic nerve root sheath diseases. 目的:为临床胸神经根鞘性疾患的诊治提供解剖学基础。
- Objective:To investigate the anatomical features of lumbosacral nerve roots in epidural space to provide the anatomical bsais for selective posterior rhizotomy (SPR). 目的:探究腰骶部脊神经根在硬膜外间隙的解剖情况,为临床SPR手术提供解剖学依据。
- Most of these models rely on a partial denervation of the limb of the animal by ligating a selected nerve. 绝大多数的这些模型依赖于结扎所选择的神经使动物肢体部分去神经。