- If a nation or a people is not self confident enough it will be over sensitive to the criticizing from both INSIDER and OUTSIDER. 同样,对外界批评的反应,对一个组织,一个国家,一个人民来说,也是反应了它的自信心。
- Specific skills : Autonom, Entrepreunarial, Rigoureous, Teamworker ; and self confident &easy communication to promote Chinese suppliers in Europe. 具体技能:具备自律性,开创性,严密性和团队精神;充满自信且有较强的沟通能力以推广中国供应商在欧洲的启用。
- We are self confident on one hand,and on the other hand we feel at loss.we are sensitive and ramstam and pretend to be tough. 有朝气,也有颓废;有甜蜜,也有荒唐;有自信,也有迷茫。我们敏感,我们偏执,我们顽固到底地故作坚强;
- Drummond: Oh, your writing tells me, that you're very talented, mature, fairly self confident, with absolutely no doubts about who you are or where you're headed; am I right? 哦,你的文章告诉我,你非常的有才华,成熟,相当的自信。绝对不会怀疑你是谁或者哪里是你管理的,对吗?
- Through participation of Dancesport activities, teenagers can develop self confident and learn western manner, so as to achieve personal development objective. 青少年透过学习体育舞蹈,可建立自信,学习礼仪,对个人心身发展有正面帮助。
- With an air of self confidence,he walk directly to the big machine. 他带著自信的神情,径直朝那台大机器走去。
- Self confidence and self reliance is the mainstay of a strong character. 自信加自强,强者之脊梁。
- This subliminal session to boost your self confidence will help you get there. 这个为增强自信心而设计的潜意识课程能够帮你达到你想要的效果。
- Carrie: Samantha had the kind of deluded self confidence that caused men like Ross Perot to run for president. 凯莉:珊曼莎拥有一种超乎现实的梦幻自信.;就是这自信促使裴洛这样的男人出来选总统
- My heart beat thick in the course of the interview. 在面试过程中我的心跳得厉害。
- Self confidence does not exist to us, all is pretended, self-contradiction is the best reason. 自信对我们来说并不存在,一切都是装的,自相矛盾是最好的理由。
- By quoting from a well-known art critic, he tried to add a bit of self confidence to his talents. 他引用一位著名艺术评论家的话,为自己的绘画才能增加一点自信心。
- The friendly atmosphere in his family help him to develop self confidence at an early age. 家庭中的友好气氛使他很小就养成了自信心。
- Like most bullies, mine was ridiculing me to destroy my self confidence and to make other employees disrespect me. 和多数暴力者一样,我的这位曾经嘲笑我来破坏我的自信心,让别的员工瞧不起我。
- Aldehyde flower is sweet reach perfume of fragrant air of pure and fresh flower to be able to let heartfelt emotion of your confide heart, salute vernal advent with brand-new mood. 乙醛花香及清新花香调香水能让你吐露内心衷曲,以崭新的心情迎接春天的到来。
- The mayor is confident the war against crime will be won. 市长确信反犯罪活动之战争必定胜利。
- Unnecessarily frequent transactions not only result from too much self confidence but also reflect our impatience. 不必要的频繁交易,有时不仅仅源于过于自信,有时也是我们心浮气燥的反映。
- I have every reason to be confident of our victory. 我有充分的理由坚信胜利是属于我们的。
- Mr Jones has a long history of heart trouble. 琼斯先生有长期的心脏病史。