- Cooper Shanghai Power Capacitor Co., Ltd. 上海库柏电力电容器有限公司。
- Dear God, I need Your healing power in my life. 亲爱的神,我需要您医治的大能。
- That glow is the healing power of the flute. 魔笛具有医治伤口的力量,它们身上闪烁着的金光就是那样来的。
- Theme: Healing Power of the Word of God. 主题:天主圣言乃治愈的力量。
- I returned home a believer in the healing power of solitary travel. 旅游归来,我已对独自出游所带来的治愈力量深信不疑。
- The healing power of art is not a rhetorial fantasy. 艺术的治愈力量并非夸大其词的幻想。
- Usui Reiki Ryoho is materialized the healing power that human has. 臼井灵气被赋与人类有实现治愈力量。
- Additionally, the installation should be self healing, also known as resiliency, if the installation is damaged. 如果损坏安装此外,安装应该self healing,称为复原
- The development of potting and dipping wax for power capacitor are described. 介绍了电力电容器用浸渍灌封蜡的研制过程。
- Deep within your heart is a pure golden octave that is from the Tao vying to help this creation self heal. 在你心轮深处,是一个来自于道的纯金色音阶,那是奋力来帮助这一造物自我疗愈的。
- Each wheel of holographic information will provide keys for self healing and forgiveness. 每一轮全息信息,都将提供自我疗愈及原谅的钥匙。
- You may find that you have an ancestor who was especially adept at self healing. 你可能会发现你有一名特别擅长于自我疗愈的祖先。
- May you release your fission karma and ascend into a greater depth of internal peace, love and self healing ahead. 在前方,你会释放你的裂变之业力,并提升进入一个更深的内在和平、爱和自我疗愈。
- When your healing powers kick in? 当你抚平我受伤的心灵?
- Also, TOTM can be used as the impregnant to make low-voltage and impulse power capacitor. TOTM还可用于制造低压及脉冲电力电容器的浸渍剂。
- I first adjusted his meditating techniques and then taught him the self healing Qigong. 我先教导他一些入静的技巧,接着便教他自疗气功。
- Advantages: Healing powers, extra damage vs Undead. 优点:治疗力量,对不死系的额外伤害。
- In addition, stress accelerative ageing model is recommended to describe power capacitor ageing process. 另外,为描述电容器老化引用了应力加速老化模型。
- This is the gift of love and how it aids self healing at this time of ascension home. 这就是爱的礼物,也是它会怎样在此提升回家的时刻协助自我疗愈的过程。