- Study on restrain of nitrite formation in drinking water. 抑制饮用水中亚硝酸盐形成的研究。
- The company is bind by its article of association. 公司受公司章程的约束。
- To amend the company's articles of association. 修改公司章程
- Articles of association of listed company. (五)上市公司章程。
- The rememtrance roused a whole train of association. 这句话勾起许多联想。
- Finally, we parse the PMML 2.0 -- DTD of Association Rules Model. 论文的最后以关联分析为例,对PMML DTD2.;0中的关联分析模块进行了解析。
- He was accused of associating with known criminals. 他与众人皆知的罪犯们交往而受到谴责。
- There are five types of associations. 有五种关联。
- A logical grouping of associated documents. 相关文献的逻辑分组。
- Able to work with all levels of associates. 能和不同级别员工共同工作。
- Trusting the sanity and restrain of the United States is not a strategy, and it is not an option. 依赖于美国的清醒和克制,不是正确的策略,也不是可行的选项。
- Due to the restrain of the steep terrain, the construction expenditure of highway in mountainous areas is far more costly than that in the flatland. 由于地形受限,导致了山区高速公路的工程造价远远高于平原区高速公路。
- The results indicate that excellent nitration of NH,-N need the sufficient removal of COD to prevent the restrain of toxicant on the nitrobacteria. 指出NH_3-N完全硝化的前提是废水中COD的充分降解,以消除有毒物质对硝化菌的抑制作用。
- It was formed, in fact, by the Article of Association in 1774. 事实上它是由一七七四年的联合条款所组成。
- Other major issues specified by the articles of association. 章程规定的其他重大事项。
- He was a wreck of his former self. 他身体坏得不成样子,已兴从前判若两人。
- The remembrance roused a whole train of association. 这句话勾起许多联想。
- The suppressive effect of TWP on EAN was associated with the restrain of procedures from gene to mRNA in B7 1 and B7 2, and from mRNA to protein in CD28. 雷公藤多甙能减轻ENA的病变程度 ,可能与抑制了B7 1及B7 2的基因转录或转录以上环节和抑制了CD2 8翻译或翻译以上环节有关。
- Knowledge of self increases as one gets older. 随着年岁的增长,人们的自我认识也不断加深。
- Studied algorithm of Association rule in Data Mining. 研究了数据采掘技术中的关联规则算法。