- Their goats are eating winter wheat again. 他家的羊又啃青了,啃掉的那些可都是越冬小麦啊!
- Lao Zhang suggested sowing winter wheat on the good land. 老张建议在好地上种冬小麦。
- Winter wheat has made itself at home on the Tibetan highlands. 冬小麦已能在西藏高原生长了。
- Prediction of Yield Trend for Winter Wheat by Fuzzy Cluster Method. 用模糊聚类法预报冬小麦产量趋势。
- Winter wheat has made it at home on the Tibetan highlands. 冬小麦能在西藏高原生长了。
- The suitable seedtime for winter wheat is gradually postponed. 传统播种期内降水量有所减少。
- Intervening showers broke the drought in time to fill out winter wheat. 断断续续的阵雨及时解除了旱情,使冬小麦长得饱满起来。
- High-yielding cultivation practices of winter wheat in large acreage. 大面积冬小麦高产栽培实践概析。
- Effect of water supply from deep soil on dry matter production of winter wheat. 土壤深层供水对冬小麦干物质生产的影响。
- The quality of botany of winter wheat was influenced by increased fertilizer. (3)施肥量的大小影响着冬小麦植物学性状;
- Title: Evapotranspiration of winter wheat field in North China Plain. 关键词:农田墒情;农田蒸散;冠层温度;涡度相关技术
- The main crops are winter wheat, maize, potato, sesame, sunflower and cereals. 主要农作物有冬小麦、玉米、洋芋、胡麻、葵花及杂粮。
- For example, in winter wheat a high incidence of weeds immediately after wheat emergence reduces tiller development. 冬小麦刚出苗时如杂草太多,将使小麦分蘖数降低。
- Effect of water and fertilizer on economic properties of winter wheat in Loess Plateau galley regions. 黄土高原沟壑区水肥因子对冬小麦经济性状的影响。
- Nonstomatic limitations in midday depression of photosynthesis in winter wheat leaves. 田间冬小麦叶片光合午休过程中的非气孔限制。
- Root biomass of winter wheat in 0~30 cm and 0~100 cm soil layers was studied using root core and dig sampling method. 用挖坑冲洗法和改良根钻法研究了耕层(0~30cm)和1m土体内冬小麦根系生物量及其空间分布。
- On the nitrate-N accumulated characteristics in deep soil layer of winter wheat field in Taihang Piedmont. 太行山山前平原冬小麦田深层土体硝态氮累积特征研究
- Based on the conclusion given a bov,the prediction model of winter wheat powdery mildew was developed. 在此基础上建立了白粉病的预报模式。
- The results showed that from the growth and productivity of winter wheat, SDT>SRT>SNT in most of the traits. 结果表明:从冬小麦的地上部和地下部生长情况和产量、产值来看,多数性状表现为桔杆还田翻耕>秸秆还田旋耕>秸秆还田免耕;
- Title: Effects of Post-Anthesis Irrigation on Grain Quality Indices and Yield in Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivum L. 关键词:冬小麦;花后灌水;品质性状;籽粒产量