- The Analysis of the Irrational Factors of Sendai Media Center 仙台媒体中心的非理性因素解析
- Analyzing the Sendai Media Center designed by Toyo Ito 伊东丰雄仙台媒体中心的设计思维评析
- Sendai Media Center 仙台媒体中心
- Media Center TV Pack cannot be uninstalled. 媒体中心电视包无法卸载。
- You play a video in Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005. 在Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005中播放视频。
- Please share your experience of using MCE (Microsoft Media Center). 欢迎分享有关使用MCE的心得.
- Why doesn't movie information or cover art display in Windows Media Center? 为什么Windows Media Center中不显示电影信息或封面?
- What should I know before adding TV tuners to use with Windows Media Center? 添加用于Windows Media Center的电视调谐器之前应了解哪些内容?
- The media Center is filled with classical elegance of the Venetian style. 宽敞明亮的媒体中心大厅,充满了古典优雅的威尼斯风情。
- Media Center is unable to repair this image. Media Center can only fix images that are 24 bits per pixel. 媒体中心无法修复此图像。媒体中心只能修正每像素 24 位的图像。
- Here are solutions to some common problems with playing FM radio in Windows Media Center. 以下是在Windows Media Center中播放调频广播的一些常见问题的解决方案。
- While the extender works much the same as Windows Media Center, it is a separate device and there are some differences. 虽然扩展器的功能与Windows Media Center相同,但它是一个单独的设备,二者还是有一些差异。
- Windows Media Center Extender makes it easy for you to enjoy Windows Media Center experiences anywhere in your home. Windows Media Center扩展器使您可以在家中任何位置轻松享受Windows Media Center体验。
- Windows Media Center cannot find, or seek, a radio frequency that has a weak signal. Windows Media Center无法找到或搜寻到信号微弱的广播频率。
- Windows Media Center does not support fast forward or rewind when playing FM radio. Windows Media Center不支持在播放调频广播时使用快进或快退。
- Windows Media Center prompts you to download media usage rights before you can begin playing the file. 在Windows Media Center提示您下载许可证之后才能开始播放文件。
- An optional FM tuner is required to play FM band radio stations in Windows Media Center. 在Windows Media Center中播放调频波段电台需要可选的调频调谐器。
- Check for Internet radio partner applications that you can install and use in Windows Media Center. 检查可以在Windows Media Center中安装和使用的Internet电台合作伙伴应用程序。
- Insert the data CD or DVD into the CD or DVD drive on your Windows Media Center computer. 将数据CD或DVD放入Windows Media Center计算机上的CD或DVD驱动器。
- Try repositioning the antenna for better TV signal reception, then check the signal strength in Windows Media Center. 尝试重新放置天线,以获得更好的电视信号接受效果。